As we move forward into the horse’s side of things, it’s a great time to remind you of the support that’s available if you don’t yet feel like you’ve achieved that incredible riding seat. Ask me in a free Live Seminar to talk you through it, join a clinic, get a private session – whatever – but don’t hang back wishing you’d asked for help for you and your horse. I’ve been where you are and I had to fight my way to the good stuff.
You don’t have to…
Today’s Lesson
Your horse is the other half of Brilliant Riding Oh really????? What a surprise!
Whether you are looking for riding sooo… together with your horse that you are riding as one being or whether you want the circuit of powerful energy that the great riding masters talk of – or both – if you want the short cut to that dream … if you want the Fast Track to that brilliant riding … then eliminating every fear, nerves or anxiety from your horse’s routine is SUCH a short cut that you will wonder why anyone ever tried any other way.
So far in this course, you have been working on the kind of posture that makes you available for the dance with your horse, although there is much, much more excitement to come after we have looked at the horse side of the partnership.
Now we are going to work on your horse’s posture – the self carriage that makes them available for the magic of the dance with you.
AND we are going to have fun doing it.
AND we are going to do it MUCH faster than the traditional slogging away for years that has been the case previously, for us mere mortals who were not born with extraordinary talent.
So what is self carriage?
Self carriage is when your horse is carrying themselves with grace and harmony by themselves, when they lift their back to carry you with strength and grace too.
Self carriage is not kept there by your reins and hands and legs, it is not something that can even be brought into being with hands and seat and legs.
We can look all over the internet at millions of photos of horses who are NOT in self carriage. Don’t go rushing off to get rid of all your old photos though, cos’ then I would in all conscience have to show you my crappy photos and that would embarrass me. So save yours for brilliant before and after the course photos. 🙂
And for those of you who have horses with natural magic in their stride – wait ’til you see them in self carriage and be awed…
In self carriage your horse is much easier to ride and easy to sit to.
In self carriage your horse’s back is naturally elevated, their stride is soft and rhythmic and they are in their comfort zone.
And don’t let me make self carriage sound too hard, it is simple and easy the way we approach it!
Self carriage is simple and easy the way we approach it – because a horse in their comfort zone IS in self carriage.
This next section of our course focuses on how you can help your horse to release old tensions and resistances, how you can help them gain confidence by systematically helping them to be unafraid of everything in their environment and how you can develop the world class “feel” that we then bring back to your ridden work in the last part of the course in a finale that will blow your mind.
Have you realised yet what an extraordinary world first this course is?
I have chosen the following quirky little lesson to give us more understanding and empathy for our horses when they are afraid or nervous or anxious.
When I was a baby, I was bitten by a snake and I was snake phobic most of my life. I couldn’t even watch them on TV without having nightmares. Then a couple of years ago now, I had an amazing and very welcome experience with a non venomous snake. Here is the link to that article for those who want to read about that later.
This whole experience was eye opening and the work on my own comfort zone had a huge impact on my horsemanship, with me having even more understanding and compassion for a horse who was afraid or nervous about anything.
Click here for an alternate recording (To download, right click and save.)