The easy rule to remember is that you should be able to fit your hand in between saddle and the hair whorl at the top of the flank. (Even in ponies). If it is closer as in the “no good” photo’s below, it will make it harder for them to carry you and use their hindquarters. Especially if they aren’t in their comfort zone!
See in this photo above, there is not enough room for the hand to fit between the saddle and the whorl of hair – so this saddle is either sitting too far back or is too long for this horse.
Photo above – Same horse and saddle without a saddle blanket so that you can really see what is going on. This saddle is weight bearing behind the horse’s last rib, where the horse has no skeleton – no bones to actually carry the weight of the rider. This horse in this saddle would be uncomfortable trying to carry the weight of the rider and would not be able to move freely.
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