I want to put bells and whistles and drum rolls around this Lesson. (Actually I want to do that for many of the lessons!) 🙂 This lesson – SPECIALLY this lesson – if it’s the only lesson you ever put your hand up for help with, if you feel stuck, put your hand up for help.
Ask for help on our monthly Live Seminar or get a private session if you experience close to PTSD type experiences.Â
In the last lesson we talked about the tensions in our body and the other effects of the fright imprint on our relationship with our horse and riding. Now we are going to do a Quiet Mind exercise on understanding what it is that we need to know or do to release a fright imprint from a fall off your horse.
This is a very gentle but powerful process that can have a far reaching positive impact on your quality of life, in and out of horses.
You can do this Lesson – and all the riding seat simulation lessons – in the kind of plain, flat kitchen chair where you can sit facing the back of the chair like Donna is here and feel your seat bones easily.
Here at our farm we have Magic, a static vaulting horse which is a 44 gallon drum covered in carpet on legs. Other people have got creative about simulating their horse by putting a saddle on a log, using the kind of saddle stand that can take weight, sitting on the arm of a lounge chair – anything that allows you to feel your seat bones clearly in a position similar to riding your horse.
You can use this Quiet Mind exercise as many times as you need to complete powerful healing. Some students have used this Quiet Mind to release frights that were not specific to falling off a horse, so feel free to explore that if you wish!
Click here for an alternate recording – Releasing the fright imprints (To download, right click and save.)
Important note: AFTER this healing exercise, walk around and explore your effortlessly powerful posture for a while. Use the listening inside yourself feeling that I talk about in these Quiet Mind lessons and notice how your body is feeling as you walk around. For those who have been experiencing muscular-skeletal pain or discomfort, then the walking exercise is a wonderful opportunity to release that and make some giant leaps in your healing.
After the healing in this Lesson, you could redo this walking lesson to help you slide those muscles and bones back into place with good standing and walking posture.
Since most horse riders have fallen off at some point, most of you will experience the release of physical symptoms that you have been experiencing from this fall (even if you hadn’t noticed the tension before) and many will experience muscles and bones sliding back into place as you walk.
Pain is your body’s signal to back off. If you were to experience pain as your body released stuff from old falls, then take the opportunity that’s in our monthly seminars.
Bonus lesson
There’s also an extra lesson in the forum around releasing a more difficult fright imprint. You’ll find it in the Live Seminar Recording Archive and some excellent discussion under Lessons 7 and 8 in the Fast Track lessons knowledge base. You’ll find the link to the forum on the sidebar of every page, including this one. It’s with a picture of a bunch of us sitting on hay bales in our hay shed. If you haven’t joined the forum yet, register your own user name and password, answer the question (horse) and let me know you’ve joined up because I need to approve everyone in and sometimes I don’t look in there for days!
Written Version of the Audio
To start off this Quiet Mind exercise, we are going to work on the first fall that comes into your mind. So take a moment to think about the first fall or fright that pops into your mind.
After any fright imprint from THAT fall is released, if it is appropriate, I am also going to take you to releasing any other falls that you have had.
Now… if any of these falls need one-on-one attention from me or the staff here, commit to yourself that you are going to notice that and relax, draw back from that part of the meditation, enjoy the release of any more minor fright imprints and ask for private help later.
And you know the drill by now, like all of our Quiet Minds, we are going to be working in a place of comfortable growth today, so if at any time you don’t feel comfortable, just pull back gently and keep breathing with us and enjoy the peacefulness and know that you can download and replay this audio and do this exercise any other day that you choose.
Take whatever time you need in each part of the exercise, without worrying if I have moved on, you can always replay if you feel you need to.
Breathing deeply and evenly, taking our attention to listening inside.
Notice what parts of your body move as you are breathing.
Can you feel the expansion of your ribs as you breathe? Can you feel the ribs flexing in and out as you breathe? Can you feel the expansion of your ribs in your back? Stay there noticing the expansion of your ribs in your back, breathing in and out expanding your ribs in your back.
Tracking your breath as it moves deeper into your throat and towards your lungs…
Keep breathing, soft eyes, gentle smile if you can and anchor this feeling of noticing everything inside yourself.
Notice everything about that feeling of having soft eyes and noticing inside yourself.
Now, allow your gentle attention to wander over your body and notice the energy moving around your body.
If you get to a stuck spot, make soft eyes at it, make soft eyes and just melt gently away from it – leaving just enough room for the understanding to flow.
We all know the stuck spot itself isn’t perfect, but the message that it brings is… so make soft eyes at the beautiful perfect thing that is the message of that stuck spot. And we will just be quiet here for a moment while we allow our gentle attention to wander over our bodies and feel the beautiful energy within us and breathe.
Now… still breathing deeply and evenly… and still making soft eyes – know that where we are going with understanding what to know do about this fall, with releasing the fright imprint of this fall, is a gentle powerful process where you are completely in control – where your commitment to yourself is to do this gently – to back off of or melt off of every Not Quite Right.
Now… if any of these falls need one-on-one attention from me or the staff here, commit to yourself that you are going to notice that and relax, draw back from that part of the meditation, enjoy the release of any more minor fright imprints and ask for private help later.
Now soft eyes again the ahhh eyes… we are going to replay everything that happened that day of the fall – but WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed.
This is going to be a gentle powerful process, where we will frequently pause and get you to check in and listen for every tiny little Not Quite Right so that you can stop and melt off it with soft eyes and allow room for the understanding to flow.
Now start your replay of what happened that day, from walking towards that horse like you did that day and go through the same actions that you went through in tacking up, getting on, in going wherever it was that you went – whatever.
Gently… knowing that the purpose of this is to understand what to know or do NOT to re-live it.
Now pause where you are right now, pause the replay there and check for any Not Quite Rights and if there are any, then melt off with soft eyes and allow room for the understanding to flow. Take the time, look inside, scan your body and notice any feelings that something is Not Quite Right.
Anytime that you feel that whatever is coming up is big, then feel free to stop and take a few steps away, step away as far as you have to, to feel OK, get off that horse, rewind to before the Not Quite Right came up and make soft eyes at where that feeling IS in your body.
Breathing, soft eyes and replaying again if you are ready for that.
Now check in again… Scan your body. Is there any change? Any Not Quite Right? If you find something, soft eyes and melt off allowing room for the understanding to flow.
Fast forward now to the first early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right and pause. Breathing, soft eyes, melt off where that feeling is in your body, melt off and allow room for the understanding to flow. Breathing… allowing the insights to flow that will release the fright imprint from this fall, that will release the tension your body was holding from this fall.
Enjoy the feeling of the release of that tension, track the ebb and flow of energy around your body – notice the movement of energy around your body.
Now, if this is the right time, you might like to release any other fright imprints that are affecting you. Only if this is the perfect time, allow the understanding of anything that you need to know or do to release any other fright imprints from your body. Gently gently, melt off ever so gently with soft, ahhh… eyes.
Breathing…Â soft eyes… …
Now come back slowly, holding as much of that awareness as is appropriate for us today.
Have a big stretch, wriggle a bit and come back into the room.
Some of you will notice a great feeling of relaxation now, others will notice the effects more the next time you go to ride your horse.
However you experience it – enjoy the lack of tension that will have you in a place where you can POSITIVELY manifest with your horse for a deeper sense of happiness!