On Day 2 you’ll receive the entire program with links to every lesson, so you can browse through on a rainy day.
If you have a specific issue that you’d like to address under saddle or on the ground – please feel free to email me to chat about what order to do the lessons, that will best suit YOU and YOUR HORSE. 🙂 Â
You’ll continue to get one or two lessons a week to keep you thinking, on track and motivated.
Before you read this summary of what we cover in the lessons, just have a think about this. Horses don’t suddenly relax all the stresses of the routine of their lives when we put our foot in the stirrup. Whatever stresses and tension are in the routine of your horse’s life – both now and in the past – will still be in your horse, ready to intensify their reactions and bite you on the butt when something goes wrong.
So we want to get rid of all those stresses and tensions – from them AND from us, around everything that we can find – so both horse and rider can enjoy ourselves the way we’re meant to. 🙂
Lessons 1 – 14 Riding Seat Foundations
This section of Fast Track demystifies a beautiful riding seat and leads you step by step to it in a way is completely revolutionary. It’s no wonder that Mary wrote to Mark at Horsesoncscious and told him that we were “light years ahead of traditional riding instruction”.
One of the reasons for the success that we have, is that we take you OFF your horse, where you can completely and relaxedly (new word! 🙂 ) focus on yourself and with my revolutionary new methods, get your new riding seat on AUTO-PILOT, into your muscle memory, before you take it back out to your horse.
Just pause on that folks because it’s an enormous big deal.
You get a good riding seat on auto pilot, before you even go near your horse.  And your new muscle memory is in place and when you sit on your horse – it’s just there. No practicing for 5 years to get good.  Actually that makes me laugh – I wonder how many lessons and years it took me to ride well before I discovered this? Many if I remember correctly.  🙂
+ These lessons are the beginning of people finding a whole new level of confidence in the saddle. This is the section that contains the lessons that will help riders who have lost their nerve or who are riding with a tension or stiffness that they didn’t used to have when they were younger.
+Â You’ll steadily release old stresses and tensions in your body that have been getting in the way of your riding being the best you can be,.
+ You’ll understand and Release what I call the fright imprint, which is the residual tension in your body from old falls and accidents.
+Â You learn how to get an EFFORTLESSLY stable and strong riding position, and I can’t stress enough, the EFFORTLESS nature of the right posture for you. Do the work and reap the rewards – it’s as simple as that.
+Â This riding position is so effortless that you just notice you are in the right position for you, rather than having to work at it, like in traditional riding lessons.
+Â You get a big head start on the awareness of your own body that is the hallmark of all really good riders, even if they don’t know it.
+Â You will understand very differently about the outrageously wrong way that we were taught to ride on hills and you’ll find a new way that will make a an enormous difference to the way our horse can carry us on hills when we are out on the trail.
Lessons 15 – 30 Foundations for Liberty Work
These lessons are about the foundations for whatever advanced liberty work you may choose to go on and do. You’ll learn how to motivate your horse to do what you want them to do happily.
+Â For most horses it’s perfect to start at liberty because then you don’t need to worry about making mistakes as you get the hang of developing a sense of well being in everything that you do with your horse.
+Â It’s a foundation for learning to keep yourself and your horse both being and feeling safe and even bigger than that, finding a deep sense of comfort and happiness together.
+Â Get really good at noticing and taking action on that early warning signal that I call Not Quite Right. Liberty is a great place to establish this, it eliminates a lot of our worry about making mistakes.
+Â You’ll learn how to start getting your horse softly and happily paying attention to you. This has SUCH implications for you and your horse being and feeling safe together when you are riding and big implications for advanced riding too.
+Â You’ll figure out how to know when to be gentle and when to be firm.
+Â Form your own opinions and work out what’s right for you about treats.
+ Get a positive interaction happening around food – which has such a big an impact on being a good rider and yes that is not a mistake – a positive interaction around food has SUCH A BIG impact on being a good rider. You’ll see how and why that is and what to do about it.
+Â Get a foundation of your horse being happy to be caught, and happy to be touched all over – all while they are still at liberty.
Lessons 31 – 58 Foundations for Softness
This group of lessons are about creating everything that happens in a halter and lead to be sweet and soft and well mannered and confident.
They are about developing smooth, soft and sensitive habits for ourselves – and soft and sensitive responses from our horses in everything from haltering, to tying up, to rugging, to how to get good in traffic and with motorbikes and trucks etc, to being able to leave their herd mates confidently, being safe when they get caught in a rope or a fence (avoid all those vet bills).
+Â We’ll steadily work through every aspect of your routine with your horse, developing safe habits from you and sweet, soft and safe responses from your horse.
+ You’ll learn how to systematically RELEASE old traumatic events or resistances from your horse’s past, so that they are simply not there any more. This is the “slow down to speed up heaps later” part of the course.  And boy you do speed up when your horse becomes a willing and happy participant in the process of being better at whatever you are doing together.
+Â The emotional and physical healing that takes place by this systematic releasing of old frights can be phenomenal with many, many horses.
+Â This section also covers developing and then creating a habit of your horse looking to you in scarey situations so that you can keep each other so much safer.
+ But above all, you’ll be refining and developing your FEEL for your horse. Feel is that supposedly elusive “you have you be born with it” thing that all the great horse people have. And thanks to my horses, I’ve figured out how to teach it to even beginners. In fact, it’s gorgeous watching beginners learn like this – world class Feel in their early interactions with a horse. 🙂 I’ll never forget the ahhaaa reactions when the first students got this lesson for the very first time. 🙂
Lessons 59 – 69Â Riding Foundations
This is where we develop our horse’s back to carry us with strength and ease and it’s so much simpler (and more enjoyable) than we might believe.
These lessons are about preparing to ride in such a way that your horse is gently paying attention to you and co-operating happily with a deep sense of enjoyment and well being for both of you.
+ I have only ever met one horse that was completely in a place of well being about being saddled – it’s a BIG issue. So this section of the lessons includes saddling and what I call extreme saddling.
+Â And some knowledge about saddle fit.
+Â Getting bridling in your horse’s Comfort Zone.
+Â Establishing good breathing as a way to center yourself in difficult moments.
+ We have a beautiful, what I call a baby step, that enables your horse to find a new depth of well being about a human being on their back. This is still one of my favorite things to do with my horse.
+Â There’s an excellent lesson before you get on your horse, in learning not to “over-ride” or disconnect your lovely riding seat in your turns. This is also a very healing lesson for some riders with a lot of old pelvis strain or stiffnesses that can come from child bearing and accidents over the years.
+ Have you ever noticed how much a saddle gets pulled to the side when a most people get on? There’s a lesson here for learning how to get on properly both for your safety AND that keeps the saddle still for the comfort of your horse.
Lessons 70 – 80 Foundations for Riding Excellence
These lessons are about all the foundation things for having a beautiful, soft riding horse – taking that lovely riding seat onto your horses back in such a way that you learn how to keep it, on auto-pilot with a lovely feeling of well being for both of you.
+ What I call The Grazing Game is here, with some powerful additions that will leave you awed at how magnetized into the saddle you can become. And it IS magnetic – waaayyy beyond mere balance.
+Â We cover sweet and soft stops, back ups and turns, and release old behaviors around these issues and RE-LEARN how this should be together, for horse and rider.
+ Whether you want to ride with two reins for the dance that is possible between horse and rider or whether you want to ride on a long loose rein, or ride bridle-less, having happy control of your horse with nothing on their head, this section will give you the foundation for all these things.
+ We talk about and explore the circuit of energy between horse and rider, that the great riding masters talk of – AND experience it. 🙂 Can you believe that? This circuit of energy is considered the pinnacle of good riding, it’s phenomenally advanced and we have beginners experiencing it.
+Â There’s an excellent lesson in here to re-program your own “oh shit! ” reactions, so that you are no longer tight and tense and worried when something goes wrong, but seriously magnetized into the saddle. And oh my goodness – how valuable that is!
Whew! That’s a LOT of stuff and there’s even more in Extra lessons from Jenny on the student only forum and in the archives of the monthly Live Seminars – so whether you just like to mosey along learning a bit at a time or whether you’re a learning junkie, I’m sure that we will satisfy your soul. 🙂
It must be just about time to give you and your horse a treat – email me if you need to chat about anything before making this lovely investment in your goals and dreams and health and well being. 🙂
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