Because I have found a simple formula that replaces years of riding lessons and thousands of dollars and I can teach it to you on line from the other side of the world.
Have a quick listen here, to see how you can check out this unique program for free…
Learning better horse riding the easy way – Learning riding the Fast Track way
Horse riding has probably been taught the same way for more than a thousand years, with people taught to ride horses by getting on the horse and practising, practising, practising until they got good at it.
Well now we’ve got an easier way – we have found a short cut.
And it’s the RELEASE, RE-LEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula of Fast Track to Brilliant Riding that makes that shortcut so effective. It dramatically speeds up your journey to be a good rider and helps a good rider to be even better.
… Dramatically speeds up the journey to be a good rider…
The RELEASE, RE-LEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula works for your horse just as well, helping you to help them to be a happy co-operative partner.
The free on line lessons The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse are the foundation of the paid program Fast Track to Brilliant Riding. The 9 Keys give you both the gift in those lessons PLUS the opportunity at no cost to check me out and see if you like my style of learning and horsemanship.
I was NOT a born horsewoman. Even though I was a passable rider, I was a nervous rider inside and carried all the tensions of that fear in my body even when I wasn’t being scared. My one big plus was that I had a huge desire to be good with horses.
So what you will see on this website and on my courses is the result of thousands of hours of learning that came from some great mentors too, but mostly from the horses themselves – learning how to understand my horses and learning how to develop my intuition into an effective tool – and lucky you gets to bypass most of those hours with the simple formula that I’ve discovered.
And THAT is what is in it for you – because of this simple formula, you too can be a world class rider, whether you are already a good rider, or passable like I was – or even a beginner.
So if you too have a desire to be a really good rider and to be really good with horses, grab the free lessons in those Six Keys to Happiness with your horse and take advantage of the free Fast Track riding lesson that comes after it, that is designed to give you a taste of how very effectively you can learn this riding position in an on-line lesson.
And if the way that I do things appeals to you, grab hold of Fast Track to Brilliant Riding with both hands and gallop off into the sunset with it. Actually you don’t gallop off into the sunset by yourself, because this is a very well supported program – but you’ll see that for yourself when you have a look at it.
Get Your 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse to check this out for yourself and keep your eye out for Fast Track when the opportunity comes up.
And I look forward to seeing you there.