One of the most heart breaking things that can happen is when we send our beloved baby off to a trainer and they come back changed for the worse – sad or reactive or ruined.
The good news is, contrary to what some horsemen think, a horse is never ruined – there IS a solution.
You can bring that beloved baby back to health and happiness with the RELEASE, RE-LEARN AND RE-PROGRAM formula that is a fundamental part of our on line program Fast Track to Brilliant Riding.
Solving problems in this gentle way means you can UNDO the damage that was done – AND undo it in a way that will increase your bond with your horse. Yummy stuff…
You’ll get the first steps towards bringing your “ruined” horse back to sweetly connected, calm confidence in you, in the FREE LESSONS the 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse and then it will be Fast Track to Brilliant Riding that will give you the step by step framework to do the job properly. You’ll see lots of testimonials from ordinary people who have brought their horses back AND you’ll feel them gather around you supportively in our lovely online community . Click here for the Training Programs page where you’ll find both those programs.
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