My Written Notes for the session
What IS negative manifesting?
The Law of Attraction says that we get what we focus on right? Well negative manifesting is when we’re focusing on what we DON’T want and manifesting that. It’s about getting things that we don’t want, having things that we don’t want to happen, because of what we’re focusing on.
Let’s be really clear about this though – not every crappy thing that happens in our lives or in the world, is something that we’ve manifested. There’s Big Picture stuff going on as well.
Big Picture stuff
Mike Dooley expressed it beautifully in his book Life on Earth:
“Bad stuff? It happens. Evil people? They abound. And should bad stuff or evil people ever cross paths with with you, gifts will be exchanged, there will be order, there will be healing and love. And while no explanation will ever be enough to put a “happy face” on the many sad things that happen in the world, nevertheless, those things DO have explanations that include, at a minimum, the thoughts, beliefs and expectations of all involved. There are no victims, only volunteers. And the fact that this is almost impossible to see at times doesn’t mean you can’t sense it is true.”
I take this one step further. When we go into our Inner Awareness and decide to notice what’s behind our feelings, sooner or later we’re going to be getting insights about Big Picture stuff – about the Truth of why bad things sometimes happens to good people, small children and animals for example. We can wait until something happens that upsets us and look into our feelings then, or we can decide to notice what we believe in about this kind of thing at any time. We’ve done some of this in our Happiness program.
Truth is Power
The big, capital T Truth about everything from the small things in our lives, to the giant things that affect mankind, is power. Understanding Truth is Power. Understanding whatever is going on behind whatever is going on in the world, is Power. Understanding the “why” of our feelings is Power.
It’s the Power to influence things positively. It’s the Power to create something different. It’s the Power to create what we want.
Manifesting Negatively
So let’s look at manifesting negatively again and how we do that. It’s important not to make ourselves wrong about manifesting negatively either – specially about things that happened in the past. Making ourselves wrong is not useful and it’s not the Truth either. It’s UNDERSTANDING that gives us the Power to change things and understanding always feels good and making ourselves wrong doesn’t feel good. 🙂
We’re pre-programmed for success, we’re pre-programmed to get what we want and I think that’s how come manifesting negatively even exists. What we focus on, we create / attract / experience. So if we focus on what we DON’T want, then we are creating / attracting / experiencing what we don’t want. And because we keep pulling ourselves back to thinking about what we DO want, we get some kind of mixture of the two things, positive and negative – sometimes getting what we want in ways that we don’t want it.
Don’t worry, we have an answer to this coming up!
But first, let’s talk about HOW we manifest negatively.
*** We manifest negatively when we DISlike what’s happening for too long – because that has our attention on the thing we DON’T want. The trick is, to clean up our Feelings around that what we don’t want thing, (i.e. understand the impact of any OLD stuff on how we’re dealing with something now), then we can truly turn around and focus on what we DO want instead, then follow the Inner Guidance to that thing and be enjoying the journey on the way, by repeating those steps.
*** We manifest negatively when we criticize those people who do have what we want – that’s telling the universe that we don’t really want it.
*** We manifest negatively when we wallow in feeling crappy, expecting someone else to make us happy. Abraham-Hicks said something to prompt this thought. The very worst thing that you could do for anyone is to be unhappy, and then ask them to to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy. Your ability to be happy, your feelings – are entirely yours. Your feelings are YOUR Inner Guidance system, so to expect someone else to make you happy is to expect someone else to know and use YOUR Inner Guidance system. Which is ridiculous, no?
*** Here’s a silly little practical example that I noticed while I was getting ready for our monthly class. When I continually grump at the vacuum cleaner because it doesn’t have enough suction to do my basic housework, then I am manifesting negatively. I am focusing on what this dumb vacuum cleaner WON’T do, which is manifesting MORE of what this dumb vacuum cleaner won’t do – instead of turning around and manifesting a vacuum cleaner that DOES do what I want it to do and then following my Inner Guidance if there IS any and getting out of the way for The Universe to provide it for me!
*** Complaining repeatedly. Noticing that something is crappy and complaining about it is part of the manifesting process, but if we notice ourselves complaining REPEATEDLY about something, then we should find out what’s behind that and take action on it, because our focus is on the thing we are complaining about and we’ll be attracting MORE of what we’re complaining about. HOWEVER… Complaining is one step better than “sucking it up princess”, when we swallow our anger and resentment and bury it – at least complaining is better than that! 🙂
*** Negative Thoughts – We first have to NOTICE our negative thoughts and judgements of others and negative judgements of situations, THEN we’ve got to change our judgements of ourselves for having those thoughts in the first place, because making ourselves wrong is not useful either (massive Aussie understatement). Then we can open up to understand whose thoughts they are and what we need to know or do about them. What’s the Truth behind those thoughts? What’s the Big Picture?
*** Negative or Untrue belief systems are another way of manifesting negatively. For example – believing for whatever reason that we are not being worthy of good things happening. And if that’s been big for you and you haven’t been able to get to the bottom of that one yet, then “I wish that I could believe that I was worthy of good things happening to me”.
*** Negative Habits. Very often we learned manifesting negatively from others and created habits that we learned from someone else in our childhood. Noticing those habits and being kind to ourselves about them is the start of change. Change can come in one big whoosh of expanded understanding of the Truth or we can go inside ourselves and create a new habit, that suits our own vision of who we are and how we want our life to be.
Let’s open the board and chat about other ways in which we may be manifesting negatively. 🙂
All of these things we’ve just talked about are ways in which we can bounce around struggling so much harder than we need to like we’ve seen before in this diagram.
So we get this mixture of struggling, re-focusing on what we want, struggling again and get this mixture of creating what we want and some of it negatively.
Manifesting Positively
Understanding Truth is where the Power is. Truth and appreciation of every feel good moment on the way, these are the ways to manifest positively.
So when we use our Inner Guidance system to expand our understanding about our feelings, then we ARE creating as positively as we are capable of doing in this moment. And the more we create good things like that, the more validation we get. And the more validation we get, the stronger our knowing is and the more we create in a beautiful way.
Quiet Mind
The next step is to decide to notice wherever we are manifesting negatively and then Quiet Mind whatever is going on behind that and causing it – getting insights – understanding and letting go the “stuff” that we have buried in the past, or created habits of in the past, THEN we can genuinely look towards what we REALLY want and be manifesting positively for the future.
So… let’s knock this negative manifesting on its head once and for all!