There’s a place in our brain, or perhaps it’s better described as a way of using our mind body and spirit, that opens our brain to creative solutions to even seemingly insoluble conflict – without the need to compromise. Yes you read that right – neither side to a conflict needs to give up or compromise anything. It starts with a willingness to understand the Paradox in any conflict – the rightness behind even the crappiest of wrongnesses in any conflict.
And being curious about whether what I’ve said here is true or not, is what puts a foundation underneath us to be able to find those creative solutions.
The process continues when we open up to observe our own Feelings around this conflict, when we’re willing to see where the other person or people are coming from, when we’re curious about what the Big Picture might be…
… and then we have an opportunity to change our world in a way that really will knock my socks off and give me goosebumps on my feet this time.
Now you’re smiling, you can ask yourself “Holy shit could that possibly be true?”
This photo is one of mine. Who would ever have believed that Copper (the unrelated gelding on the right) would foster Boot n’ Scoot, the horse on the left who was orphaned at 9 days old. I’ve seen mares who weren’t as good at mothering as Copper was.