I remember teaching a clinic in New Zealand when I was early in understanding my feeling for others. It was full of people and horses in trouble and my feelings were seesawing up and down with them like a roller coaster. It was so exhausting that I had another dummy spit temper moment. “There’s gotta be an easier way!”
And there was.
We touched on this way back in the five ways of feeling – we can notice and flow with the guidance of our feelings when they’re more subtle. Whether they’re our feelings or whether we’re experiencing our connection to someone else, it’s when we don’t understand that guidance at that early warning stage, that the feelings get more intense.
The more we do that “notice the feeling, pause, smiley outward breath, get curious” thing, the more understanding we’ve gained, then the more we notice the guidance of our subtle feelings, easily. It’s a practice thing for most people that gets easier and easier.
Whether you do a big dummy spit like I did or whether it “just” gets easier and easier with gentle practice, if you’re worn out from the see saw of big emotions then you too could decide to refine your ability to notice and flow with an earlier, more subtle message of your connection to others.
And if you’d like a hand with that, put your hand up at a live event. My talent is being able to feel those subtleties in you and then coach you to notice them for yourself. The details of how to join in to talk to me live, are in every event email and since you’ve bought this online book, I have your email.
This photo is one of mine. These gorgeous little poppets. I called them the three musketeers. Bless the horses – they were born understanding this.