So what is it that has to change about depression to find that joy?
Sometimes it’s something physical. I’ve put a link below, to an article with a list of physical causes and what you can do to fix them and there’s an extraordinary offer there too. We’re going to talk about how you can figure out what it is that has to change, but first know…
relief, peacefulness and even joy is the result of that change.
Our horses can make that change sooo… much easier.
Not only does being in the presence of a relaxed horse reduce the overwhelm that is depression, the same things we learn to dissolve depression is the same learnable skill that makes us really good with horses. And I mean REALLY good.
For those who want to be really really good with horses, this listening accelerates our horsemanship to a whole new level of competence and a kind of awakening to the possibilities that are within the horse human relationship.
I’ve written a number of excellent articles over the years – talking about how depression is much more easily solved than we thought.
What I’ve come to understand in over two decades of helping people get to the root of and fix their depression, is that depression is usually solved a LOT easier than we used to think.
Yeah I know, those really big clinical depressions are a bitch, I’m not downplaying the dramatic effect on people’s lives. But still, depression itself is our Inner Guidance at work. So when we learn how to use our Inner Guidance system the way it was designed for YOU, then you’ll learn how to find the peacefulness and happiness and joy in your Inner Guidance system and fix that depression while you’re at it.
Fixing the physical causes of depression can make a BIGGG difference to the overwhelm
In the last Happiness clinic, I asked people if they’d like me to test up and score for PHYSICAL causes of depression so that they could attend to them. 18 out of the 19 people who had reported depression and asked for that testing, had dramatic improvement from attending to those physical causes – and THEN they could attend to the mental and emotional causes of depression heaps more easily.
You’ll find a list of the physical causes of depression further down this article. If you’d like the kinesiology testing that I used to test and lift the depression levels of those 19 people, I’m prepared to work in 15 minute increments – that would mean1/4 of the price of a normal healing session. Don’t ever do without what you need because of a lack of funds. Email me if you’d like to know more.
The horse lovers guide to anti-depressants
Joy and depression in the same breath?
People don’t normally think about joy and depression in the same sentence let alone in the same breath, but I’m here to inspire you that there is joyfulness in understanding and acting on the messages that we find in the depression itself. There’s an opportunity for those same intense feelings of joy that my friend was experiencing with her horse in this article, in EVERY depression…
I was privileged to witness their intense feelings of joy.
The combination of PTSD and depression is a common one and both are solvable.
As you’ll read in this next article, the understanding brought to her by working with horses in this lovely way, combined with a handful of healing sessions, gave Julia the skills to clear up both the PTSD and the depression and at the same time advance her horse skills.
I had a lovely email this week
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