Wim Hof is a 57 year old Dutch man famous for 26 world records around ice and cold. You can see the pictures around some of those records here. He climbed to 6.7 kilometres (22,000 ft) altitude at Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts and shoes, reached the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in his shorts within two days, has broken the ice endurance record numerous time, with his Guinness World Record now standing at 1 hour and 52 minutes and 42 seconds and just to prove that his endurance isn’t all about cold, he ran a full marathon in the Namib desert without water in 2011.
OK… I can hear you thinking “So a crazy Dutch man has some kind of freakish body that can do weirdly tough things. What’s that got to do with me?”
This is the paradigm of Truth. Simply put – Wim Hof knows that he CAN do these things, so he can. You think you can’t, so that is your experience – you can’t.
Wim is not the only crazy person that can do freakish things. Tibetan monks have been challenging control over their bodies for thousands of years by raising the temperature of their bodies with what is called Tummo, or Inner Fire Meditation.
The monks have a competition. Alexandra David-Neel watched it and later described it in her book. “The meditators sit on the ground, cross-legged and naked. Sheets are dipped in the icy water, each man wraps himself in one of them and must dry it on his body. As soon as the sheet has become dry, it is again dipped in the water and placed on the novice’s body to be dried as before. The operation goes on [in] that fashion until daybreak. Then he who has dried the largest number of sheets is acknowledged the winner of the competition. Besides drying wet sheets on one’s body, there exist various other tests to ascertain the degree of heat which the neophyte is able to radiate. One of these tests consists in sitting in the snow. The quantity of snow melted under the man and the distance at which it melts around him are taken as measures of his ability.”
OK… so now we know that thousands of people have been able to do things similar to Wim. That’s THEIR Truth – though I doubt it’s our truth in this moment at least. 🙂 However, just knowing that thousands of people have been able to do this, is a change in our perception of the Truth.
Tony Robbins has taken 2,000,000 people – yes that’s TWO MILLION people – through his fire walk seminar, with less than a tiny 1% experiencing minor burns with some blistering. And yes that’s Oprah in the photo there.
Apparently it’s the lack of conductivity of heat in the ash that makes this walk possible. Here’s the big deal though – the thing I think journalists have missed going ooo… and ahhhhh…. about, is that almost all of those people with heat blisters from the firewalk were healed to the point of walking with no pain by the next day. Now, I don’t know about you, but most people would not be walking on heat blisters the day after second degree burns!
And Tony Robbins holding the energy of 6,000 people at a time, reaching deep inside themselves to be greater than they ever thought possible while doing the firewalk? Holy snapping turtles! Now THAT’s something the journalists should be writing about.
While we’re talking about these, think of some that you know of from your own personal experience or some more that you’ve heard of – things that you would have thought impossible that when they turned out to be possible made you question your idea of Truth.
In addition to the firewalk burns, I know of workers in a Welsh steel mill who were observed healing their third degree burns phenomenally fast (in just a day or two) by taking their burns back to the heat and I myself healed a nasty burn in minutes one Christmas Day – you can still see a faint scar of the electric hot plate pattern on my hand.
That’s a Truth paradigm – I KNOW that burns can heal phenomenally fast – that’s my Truth and my reality. Your burns heal at a different rate according to YOUR Truth and reality.
On a slightly different note, in my twenties I worked at a machinery hire place where a few months earlier the foreman had lifted one of those giant road rolling machines off a co-worker after the lifting device failed and I’m sure that you’ve heard many stories of similar phenomenal strength in emergencies, specially with mothers.
There’s another Truth paradigm. I couldn’t lift one of those giant and incredibly heavy machines off someone – I’d injure myself trying. That’s my reality. Thank goodness it wasn’t Werner’s reality though, otherwise his workmate would have died.
Anita Moorjani’s healing from cancer in just days after her near death experience (we’ve talked about before) is also another example of what is possible. Her expansion of understanding of truth and reality created the possibility of that phenomenal and miraculous healing.
The editor of my books Graeme Trotman – one of his sons broke his ribs hitting the point of a coffee table when he was wrestling with his brother – the ribs were visibly caved in on the break. Graeme spent twenty minutes or so doing healing work on the injury while he waited for his wife to deal with the small children and come with them to the hospital and while he was doing that, the ribs just sucked up back into place. Young Harry I think it was, got up with the bone healed and wasn’t faintly interested in going on to the hospital. “It’s all better now Dad.”
The possibilities of healing that bone were in both Graeme’s and Harry’s truth and reality. Is that in everyone’s reality? I think not. 🙂
And closer to home – myself – in proving a simple mastery over my mind / body in a kinesiology class, I deliberately pushed a sewing needle into the bone of my arm and wriggled it around – consciously setting it up to have no pain, no bleeding and no infection.
Would that be YOUR reality to be able to do that? Or would your reality bleed and hurt?
How do we get such control over our bodies?
So… HOW do we get such control over our bodies? What’s the TRUTH about that kind of control, that kind of healing? What is REALLY possible?
How do we form our beliefs about this kind of thing? How many things do we think are impossible when the TRUTH is that so much more is possible than we ever dreamed?
And what could WE personally do with that?
Now that’s a big deal right there folks. What could WE personally do, what could we dream we could do, if we knew the real TRUTH of what we and our bodies are capable of?
Just pause on that for a minute and Feel into that with our outward breath and our heartbeat and our energy and our emotions and our thoughts and ideas flowing…
What’s the REAL Truth of what we and our bodies are capable of?
Where has our Truth come from in the past?
So where has our Truth come from so far in our lives?
It’s come from the media – yeah good luck with THEM telling us the truth! I read somewhere recently about the media making up stories and the publishing concept of “If it bleeds it leads” i.e. the more shocking and horrible it is the more they want it on the front page and too often with no regard to the truth.
Our Truth has also come from our parents who were experiencing their own limitations, our peers as were growing up (gee half grown, inexperienced, hormone and anxiety ridden teenagers – THAT’s a great source of Truth! That’s my Aussie sarcasm coming out there. 🙂 ) Teachers and people we have admired have often formed our idea of the truth – how much of their own limitations did they teach us?
Even dear friends and loved ones paying more attention to our stuff than their own, can distort our perception of the Truth.
It’s been staggering me lately to notice how often my Truth has been affected by something someone else has said or thought. It’s simply shocking to me that I have allowed myself to be so influenced by other people’s view of reality, instead of the real truth – MY Truth.
So what’s YOUR Truth?
So what’s YOUR Truth about what limitations are REALLY there in your life? Not the bull shit ones that someone else told you about, or that you mistakenly believed. What possibilities are there that you didn’t even know existed? What is YOUR Truth?
Quiet Mind
Maybe you’ve been doubting that a dream is really possible? Maybe there’s something else entirely, that would have you living your life magnificently, that you realized that there was some idea or goal or dream that was REALLY possible?
Let’s do a Quiet Mind with the intention of noticing something that we CAN do, something that really IS possible after all – something wonderful for us that is part of OUR TRUTH, OUR REALITY and expands our ability to live our life magnificently.
While we’re in this lovely Quiet Mind space, we’ll take the opportunity to decide to notice any of those old non-truths that are OTHER PEOPLE’s reality – as they crop up – that have been getting in the way of us living our life magnificently.
Some of you might get those insights now, others could have their Truth flow in more gently over the coming month. Make sure you take the opportunity to soak up any and all good feelings around this as they happen, because soaking up that appreciation is the absolute fastest way to positive change.
Next month we’ll…
Na… you’ll have to wait and see what I have planned for next month!