This is a $10,000 six month private Masterclass in the Paradox of Healing and The Einstein Factor for either professionals or people who want an extraordinary level of healing capability for themselves or a beloved other in trouble. This isn’t just about healing – it’s about THRIVING and helping others to thrive. This is Quantum Physics in action – from the big picture, all the way down to a cellular level and beyond.
Learn to access the healing energy that is found at the heart of what I call The Paradox, routinely. If you haven’t experienced that Paradox of Healing in action yet, email me and we’ll arrange a first hand experience.
Understand and learn how to access the life systems that underpin LIFE ITSELF, which opens up new possibilities in even difficult cases – even yours.
Learn how to advance your intuition exponentially and how to use it effectively.
Eliminate the burn out that is an epidemic in the healing professions.
Get a handle on depression, extreme anger, extreme fear – even PTSD and trauma – for either yourself or clients, with the goal of eliminating their debilitating and destructive effects as fast as you can.
Learn how to work in a way that makes being stuck in overwhelm a thing of the past.
Learn the enormous effect that conflict can have on horse and human health and how we can resolve conflicts with no compromise necessary. JUST IMAGINE being able to solve conflicts without anyone having to give up anything?
Experience how happiness and healing go together for yourself, your clients, and your human or animal loved ones.
Imagine feeling so confident about our rapidly changing world, that you could just flow from one decision to another and find a comfort zone even in uncertainty. Whether it’s about your own health or a loved one’s or the global big picture, just imagine the relief of that?
And if you manage a business or organisation (or want to) imagine using these same healing principles to guide your business to THRIVE and at the same time bounce out of bed in the morning looking forward to how good you’re feeling about the positive impact you’re having on the world around you.
Do you want to feel the rightness of this for yourself before you apply for one of these very limited positions? Email me, I’ll give you a personal experience of how we work and we can check out our fit for each other at the same time.
6 months to change your life and the world around you
This is a program for busy people who’ve got things to do and places to be.
The cost is $10,000 for six months of private tutoring and mentoring, from the most amazing team of women you could imagine, who all work with the Einstein Factor and the Paradox of Healing routinely.
First there’s me. Jenny Pearce. I’m smiling as I write this. I could use words like “I have a gift that enables me to consciously connect people to their inner guidance system using a unique experiential focus”. But I had a vision recently that I think explains it better. I saw that my talent is to literally catapult people into excellence in their own unique abilities and their own values, into mastery of their own field of interest and expertise. And OMGoodness the joy I get from working like that is just so expansive. I am a healer of 27 years experience, who has long been focusing on the empowerment of people understanding how to access their own incredible healing ability.
Caroline Schillig from Portugal is where I go when I need some strong hearted, utterly without judgement, loving and knowledgeable clarity. Her truly unconditional and incredibly gentle love for people, animals and the earth herself gives her a unique way of simplifying what can otherwise be difficult or overwhelming feelings or circumstances. She has a strong interest in the healing power of the behavioral sciences and accesses the healing power of the universe through the Paradox routinely, for herself and in teaching others.
Sandra Hagan herself is the most understated, practical, super expanded consciousness person, who works in super difficult industries where people struggle with achieving objectives with their values and who can cut through b.s. like a hot knife through butter, leaving you awed at what’s REALLY possible. She’s a master of One’ness. I facilitated Sandra into super expanded consciousness 8 years ago in a horse clinic and then SHE mentored ME into this program. You can thank her later lol! Sandra’s healing work is extraordinary . Like me but doing it differently, 🙂 her focus is on whatever is BEHIND the symptoms that you’re experiencing. her at One’ness enables her to see clearly the causes and support you to change that.
The team making sure that you get what you want from this 6 months awes ME.
We’ve learned the incredible value of celebrating our own differences, our own unique life history and knowledge and the path we’re using to get where we’re going and WE CELEBRATE YOURS TOO. This work draws out your own uniqueness, your own gifts and your own talents – and believe me, whether you know it or not yet, you have them!
The reason for the owl picture?
It’s the same picture we use for The Einstein Factor, which is about changing your world. Whether we use The paradox for Healing or living a wonderful life more generally, you ARE going to be changing your world working like this.
And I have a dream
I have a dream of a world where:
- Accessing the mind body and spirit’s ability to heal is routine.
- Struggle becomes power.
- Where good business is good for the earth and all on it.
- Where conflict can be resolved without compromise needed.
- Where competition for limited resources can be resolved creatively.
- Where even difficult problems are solved easily, in harmony with the universe.
- Where one person simply understanding another can transform outcomes.
- Where people’s uniqueness and diversity is valuable and celebrated.
- Where overwhelm becomes a practical inner guidance system.
- Where anger is transformed into right action.
- Where fear and excitement are each as powerfully useful.
- Where love rules.
- And our lives rock.
Oh wait… that world already exists!
That’s MY world and the world of both The Einstein Factor AND The Paradox of Healing!
$ 10,000 and six months to change your life and your organisation forever.