Emotional stresses lead to muscular tensions in a path that involves the organs and the meridians, that is as complicated as it is simple. Which comes first? The chicken or the egg? (Meridians are the energy lines attached to each organ, the knowledge of which was brought to us by the Chinese.)
Some of the practitioners of alternative therapies will enjoy to know the detail of of which muscles are affected by which meridians, so I am listing my old worksheets on the subject here.
With this information, you can tie in which emotions effect which organs and eventually effect what meridians and muscles. I know that has helped my path of thought and ability to explain to the client on occasions, why relationship work and helping the horse to feel safe is so deeply and abidingly important.
Listing the action of each muscle and what effect it has on the horse’s action is beyond the cope of this clinic, (except for my favorites! 🙂 ) but I am sure that some of the practicing alternative therapists amongst you are going to enjoy putting their knowledge of the action of each muscle to each meridian. I am very happy if you share your insights on the forum.
There is an error in The Triple Warmer that I am following up with one of my old teachers. I’ll let you know the result!