Look at that photo above. Can you imagine arguing with the creator of such complex beauty and life force? Arguing with whatever glorious energy thought through and manifested the sheer complexity of a seed bursting into a flower, with pollen to attract and then feed the birds and the bees, to explode into life as a baby tree and every day the cells of it to re-create itself again and again until it stands tall to shade the kangaroos and for you and me to look at it and admire and wonder?
When we resist our Feelings (the capital letter is very apt at the moment) when we resist our feelings, that’s exactly what we’re doing – arguing with the whatever it is that created the complexity of us and arguing with the process that will actually guide us to what we what we want. Here’s how it works and how life can be sooo… much less of a struggle.
Insert any one or more of your horse dreams into this lesson.
Change places Lesson
By definition, if we haven’t reached our goal / dream yet, then something has to change in order to reach that goal, that dream. If we haven’t got what we want already, then change is the one broad thing that is going to bring it to you. Does that make sense? If we haven’t yet got what we’re looking for from our horse – if we haven’t got what we’re looking for with our horse, then something has to change.
Most likely “many somethings” will have to change along the journey.
Here’s a series of diagrams that I find useful to explain the process of change.
Notice the big deal there. It’s our FEELINGS that are guiding us to what we want. It’s our FEELINGS that guide us to what it is that to change. It’s our FEELINGS that guide us in the process of creating our dream with our horse.
AND some of those feelings will be yours and some will be your Feel for your horse.
AND you will be experiencing those feelings in the wonderful way that is unique to you personally.
Yep, it’s the same deal with our horse dreams. Some of these change places are small – as small as getting a Not Quite Right as you walk towards your horse with a halter for example. The change might be as small and simple as stopping, backing off and waiting for a minute until your horse has licked and chewed. But here’s the thing… the fact that you needed to change something was prompted into your awareness BY YOUR FEELINGS.
I suspect that whatever it was that caused you to reach out for something as different from the norm as we are, was a big change place and I bet it had BIG feelings attached to it too? Or are you one of those “lucky” people who were already listening to their feelings?
Some of my change places as I call them, have been ENORMOUS and life transformational. My feelings of enormous frustration and even pent up rage about my talented and incredibly difficult horse Bobby – THAT change place was years long and had me bouncing around in a stuck place for years and years.
Understanding HOW we get stuck in the same change place by not listening to our inner guidance system, has not only changed the way that I approach change with my horses, it’s changed the way I approach change in my life. I don’t get stuck like that for too long any more.
This is VERY big stuff!
It’s more than just emotions though
Don’t forget that resistance feeling that is stopping your change happening smoothly, is more than just emotions like frustration and fear and anger. The way that you personally experience your resistance to change, will probably also depend on the unique ways that you experience your connection to others that we’ve been talking about all the way through this program.
Emotional Feel: Emotions that we are resisting can escalate into intense fear, a sense of dread, constant anxiety, rage, depression, suicidal thoughts, or even complete numbness where we can’t feel anything at all.
Physical Feel: If physical feel is one of your natural talents, then you might experience your resistance as a physical discomfort, pain or even nausea, breathing problems and other illness.
Energy Feel: Feelings are also a little bit of stuck energy, so people who feel energy really strongly, might have a feeling that you might just explode with the pent up energy of it when you’re resisting the guidance that your feelings are trying to bring you.
Mental Feel: Some people might even experience an idea that if they don’t pay attention to, can even escalate until they’re experiencing it repeatedly, with a sense of doom. Mental Feel can also be a “knowing” that something is just not right that can grow if you ignore it, all the way to constant worrying about the same thing over and over again.
When we get to the really BIG change places with really intense feelings (and when we don’t listen to our feelings they intensify) – we don’t like feeling so crappy, so we bounce off in another direction without ever realizing that the crappy feeling was simply a message from our soul about what had to change in order for us to reach our dream.
And here’s the wonderful part – when we DO listen – when we feel into those feelings and ALLOW them to flow, then pfft! with the understanding, all those intense feelings just disappear.
So you can actually use your Quiet Mind that you’ve been steadily developing in this program, to deliberately open up to understand any crappy feelings that you’re experiencing.
And some of you have already experienced the expansive, feel good, peaceful feeling (it can even be euphoric sometimes) that can come when the understanding comes flooding in. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet, we’re all unique and in our unique circumstances and your time WILL come!
Notice the BIG DEAL here:
The feelings were only crappy or bigger than they needed to be, because we RESISTED them – which had us RESISTING THE CHANGE PLACE – which had us bouncing AWAY FROM OUR DREAM.
That’s when life feels like it’s really bouncing us around, from one negative situation to the next. My book editor expressed this perfectly when he first saw these diagrams. “It’s like we are in a small boat and the waves are just washing the boat around wherever the sea wants to take us and what we REALLY want to do is to drive the bloody boat to where WE want to go!
1. We drive the boat by following our “good” feelings – the ones we are hopefully not resisting! That’s the really big key here – we don’t wait to feel the crappy Feelings – we follow the “feel-good” feelings. I can’t tell you how often I’ve worked with someone and a layer of their illness has actually been pent up excitement or joy.
Our so called crappy feelings aren’t wrong either – they bring us our own experience, our own guidance and our own empathy for others. When we allow ourselves to Feel them as the inner guidance system that they were designed for and open ourselves up to understand whose are they and what do I need to know or do?” – so that we are “driving that boat” TOWARDS our dream, sooo… much more easily.
2. Gratitude and appreciation – As so often happens, my Grandma was right when she wanted me to send thank you cards – it’s not just the good manners of it – it’s expressing the appreciation of every feel good moment and taking a moment to soak up that appreciation – and that is a reliable way to uplift your vibration and feel good/better and thus attract more things to feel good about.
3. Soaking up – Noticing every feel good moment and taking even just a short time at the beginning, to consciously FEEL the appreciation of that and to soak up that appreciation and expand it – THAT folks is the fastest path to positive change, the fastest way to get that boat turned from being bashed around by the waves the waves and start driving it towards your goals and dreams.
4. Manifesting in harmony with your horse. What you’re creating in the first place has to be in harmony with your horse or it feels like struggling through quicksand from the beginning. What you are manifesting has to feel good right from the beginning – THAT is SUCH an important key to getting what you want. There’s an incredible complexity out there, of all these beings on our planet creating what they want and what we want has fit with The Laws of The Universe as well.
Let’s keep this to horses for the time being. When we’re resisting our feelings, THAT resistance, that tension, that anxiety, that disconnection, THAT’s what we’re communicating to our horse. They are masters of Feel. You can’t hide this stuff from them. The only time they might not notice if they’re in their Oh Shit zone themselves.
So when we resist our feelings, ignore them, suppress them – not only are we going round and round in the same change place – we’re communicating crappy feelings to our horse. THIS more than anything else, explains why when we make changes in ourselves, our journey with horses gets sooo… much easier and smoother and more and more enjoyable.
The answer is to FEEL the feelings – allow them to flow, find a Quiet Mind and the guidance from those feelings that will come from quietening your mind and the answer will flow too.
Now here’s the challenge
Is this really true?
Like everything we’ve been talking about throughout Journey to Feel, these change places insights of mine can INSPIRE you to look for and notice your own answers, because you’ll need to get it all the way to your own bones for the knowledge to work for you when the crap hits the fan in your life.
If it’s true, this is going to make difficult situations sooo… much more easy hey?
Have fun with this – navigating change places easily is about noticing and following the “good” feelings and using your Not Quite Rights for change and allowing everything to flow – so have fun with it! And come back and tell me what happens, I LOVE hearing the stories!
Up Next:
Up next is our final mini series of 3 days. Open hearted gratitude is the single greatest power for positive change and appreciation is what we practice to get there. The repercussions of this one could just blow your mind…