Let’s talk about what’s happening in that diagram. At the bottom is the cartoon of the little girl – that’s where I am today, now. And up there is the thing that I care about changing or creating.
It doesn’t matter what it is that we want, if we don’t already have it then something has to change. Simple hey? There’s probably a number of things that have to change – some big changes, some small, some things that are easy to change, some more difficult.
The lines that interrupt my progress from where I am now to what I want – all the lines are those things that have to change – they’re what I call “change places”.
It’s our FEELings – it’s our inner guidance system that is the instruction manual for moving through those change places.
Happiness has seemed short lived and sometimes hard to find because we’ve been looking outside of ourselves for those answers on what has to change, when the answers from the inside of us are the ones that bring us happiness and the fastest path through the change place.
Once we know how to use it.
So let’s get started on understanding how to use this wonderful instruction manual of ours.