Our thoughts and feelings are our Inner Guidance system. Mental, emotional, physical, energy and heart feelings, these five ways of feeling are our “instruction manual” that take the struggle out of life. Knowing how to use them is what makes it possible to have peace of mind no matter what’s going on around us, as we create or change what we care about.
Other peoples’ guidance system is of no use to us whatsoever in the happiness, healing or creating department.
If you’ve ever had that “not enough” feeling – not good enough, not smart enough, not lovable enough – it’s almost certainly had it’s root cause in trying to copy someone else. We were taught to copy our parents, our teachers, our peers and we’re sometimes drawn to copy people we admire, but copying the way someone else does their Inner Guidance system is a dramatic source of insecurity. Because it doesn’t work, it causes us to feel like we’ve failed or can’t do it or that we’re powerless.
We can’t be taught this in the regular way of learning knowledge either, because it’s our Inner Guidance system and can only be found inside us. That’s why these pauses and wonderings and curiosities are so important – you’re steadily getting in touch with and learning how to use your own inner guidance system.
When I talk about these Feels more extensively in subsequent pages, some of them will resonate with you and some won’t and that’s perfectly normal because we all experience our own unique combination of those five ways of feeling.
This Photo reminds me of the expansive joy that I experienced when I realized that it’s possible to joyfully create something better on a larger world level too – even if we never leave our neighborhood or march in a protest. This painting is by the very talented Catherine Clark Dowden, artist, art teacher and part of our lovely community of horse lovers from Queensland.