This is a MAJOR cause of burn out in the caring professions and so easy to change. I come across people literally and physically making themselves sick, sometimes unto death, from what I’m calling here “misery multiplied” and what I usually call “jumping into other people’s whlrlpools”. Little Sammy in the photo almost died from it.
We tend to do this “misery multiplied” thing for loved ones when they’re going through crappy times in their lives and it happens easily when we’re the kind of person who wants to make a difference in the world – but specially for all the people who work in the caring professions this can be a MAJOR cause of illness and burnout.
No matter how much you’re taught to detach or protect yourself, sooner or later someone gets past those defenses, then another then another until you’re exhausted all the time (burnout) or even ill yourself.
Thank God it’s easily fixed when we follow ALL the threads of our burn-out and illness with our Inner Guidance system. When this is the cause of depression and exhaustion and illness, the recovery can be spectacular. SPECIALLY if you’re in a caring profession, don’t suffer in silence. Bring your curiosity into a live event and let’s start shedding some of this crap.
The understanding of this is best supported visually, so come on over to the webpage for a better explanation.
Photo: Sammy’s story is on the webpage too, He was brought to me dying from a tumor on the adrenal glands – caused by EXACTLY what we’re talking about here. This photo was taken 10 weeks later when the vet had just given him the all clear.