I just feel like this because … (insert any crappy reason here.)
I just feel stressed out because of this horrible situation I’m in.
I just feel angry and frustrated because there’s a person who is behaving terribly.
I just feel tired so often because I’m worrying myself sick.
I just feel exhausted because I’m working so hard at the moment.
We’re going to talk about the mental and emotional sides of these things later in the book, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that these feelings are not feeling worse than they need to, by the physical causes of lack of vitality and the physical causes of emotional overwhelm that I’ve been talking about so far.
When you reduce the inflammation from your gut leaking too much of the wrong kind of stuff into your blood stream and when you add healthy gut bacteria, you reduce the overwhelm that your whole mind body spirit is in, that crept up on you so slowly that you probably didn’t even notice it. You probably called it “just getting older”.
So, please don’t make the mistake of downplaying any crappy feelings and thinking that this physical stuff we’re talking about doesn’t apply to you.
Because it very likely does. 🙂
You can click on the lovely photo above to find that healthy gut bacteria page again and don’t forget the bone soup or its equivalent for vegetarians.
That’s a relaxed sleepy dog in the photo, not feeling crappy at all. Michelle from Finding Grace Photography over in Perth has a lovely knack of capturing photos that speak to your heart – Finding Grace indeed. 🙂