We touched on this briefly before, but it’s worth a page of its own. It’s natural when feelings are really intense, to assume that they’re ours – but the intensity of the feeling doesn’t make it ours either. The intensity comes from ignoring the message and pushing it down inside us. Pushed down, ignored feelings are cumulative – each layer of pushed down feelings makes the next feeling more intense.
In fact if you’re ill or depressed you can just about guarantee that there will be old feelings buried in there that weren’t even yours in the first place – making everything that you feel now, either more intense or more numb.
Do you want to know if that’s really true?
Are you curious to know if that’s really true?
Today’s photo of her furry companion Henry was taken by our much loved, one time working student Kristina Jablonski – now a naturopath with a difference over in Perth Western Australia.