Heart Feel was not one of my natural strengths. I’m laughing to myself at that classic Aussie understatement. I’m not one of the super gentle people who automatically look behind someone’s behavior for what’s really going on with others, who do that so thoroughly that judgement and blame rarely even come into their thinking.
But I aspired to it. I envied the way that horses and other animals just melt into strong Heart Feel people because they feel so safe. That envy brought up a major problem for me, because I was trying to copy someone else’s way of feeling. (In my case it was the gloriously gentle and powerful Heart Feel of our Caroline Schillig – she’s on staff here and one of my own mentors too, so you’ll meet her in a live event some day.)
I am utterly convinced that trying to copy someone else’s way of Feeling is the source of most of the problems in the world, the source of that “I am not enough” feeling, that feeling of lack, that feeling of unworthiness that is behind sooo much crap in the world. It wasn’t until I stepped back into my ME’ness – my own way of Feeling that I discovered my own version, my own unique Heart Feel, which has a bit more warrior in it. Not quite the right word, but it’ll do.
If Heart Feel is one of your natural talents for Feeling, then you’ll not only feel the unconditional love behind your interactions with people, you’ll also feel the other side of Heart Feel – the anguish and despair – in your connection to others. If Heart Feel is one of your talents, then that anguish and despair is unlikely to be all yours.
Yeah just sit with that for a minute – that anguish and despair is unlikely to be all yours. I can feel the shuddering of that in someone from here. You may like to allow your mind to float around this variation of the Magic Questions:
Who’s anguish and despair is it?
Why are you experiencing it? Why you? Why now?
What is there for you to know about yourself?
What is there for you to know about someone else?
What (if anything) are you meant to take action about, to do?
This is a good time to introduce the concept that finding your own peacefulness and centeredness about other people’s problems will enable you to hold a safe container for them, from which they can more easily find their own and much more appropriate answers. You’ll feel us doing that for you and with you in every live event. It’s a powerful energy for jointly and joyfully creating or changing something that is going to knock your socks off.
Today’s photo: Heart Feel is different from the love of a mother for her children or for a partner, different to our love for our dogs and other animal companions – it’s literally unconditional and comes from a willingness to understand what’s going on behind even a terrible behavior or problem.
I’ve lost who allowed me to use this gorgeous photo, so whoever it is, please contact me so I can give you the photo credit.