Like all the other buried, ignored or suppressed feelings, buried fear either causes illness and disease or makes it worse. Between digestion and the buried feelings that include fear, good health is just about covered lol!
And it doesn’t matter whether that fear was ours or someone else’s when we buried it and the timing can go all the way back to childhood and beyond.
If you’re not sure of the truth or not of that statement, come on into a live event and experience the simplicity of this for yourself. The message of fear is that there is something we need to know or do to keep ourselves – or someone else – being or feeling safe. And when we release that fear by recognizing any relevance to what’s going on in our life right now, then our bodies can start healing the way they were designed to heal.
In the next page we’ll give you a technique to deal with some old fears in the here and now, that happened “way back then” and are still stuck in there – and you’ll be able to start seeing this for yourself.
Photo: We see this sort of healing validated all the time in animals too, specially horses. Help them to release the fear and we can watch their bodies changing – in front of our eyes sometimes. This is one of Larissa Judd’s gorgeous therapy horses from Gippsland Equine – Counseling and Psychotherapy.