What do people mean when they say “feel the fear and do it anyway”? Do they want you to feel fear at the idea of walking into that dark alley and do it anyway? Are they advising you, if you feel fear at the idea of darting across that road in heavy traffic, that you do it anyway? I doubt it…
Here’s what’s REALLY Happening.
Fear and excitement both run out of the adrenal glands. When we don’t use fear the way it’s designed – to make ourselves and others BE and FEEL safe – then fear and excitement kind of collapse together and you can’t tell them apart.
I ADORE working with people as they separate them out into two different emotions again and find the bubbles of happiness in excitement.
Me, I feel fear in my solar plexus and excitement in my belly. In the early days of me separating these two feelings out from each other, the difference in location helped me to figure out what I was feeling. You might well experience it differently to me.
But hey – the next time you experience one of those situations where you think you should push through the fear – pause and feel into it – is this really fear or is it excitement?
Because if it’s fear you do not want to be doing whatever this is until you’ve understood what it’s telling you AND the fear has disappeared. And if it’s really excitement, then you not only want to be enjoying it – you want to be FOLLOWING it in your joyful creation of something better or changing what you care about.
Our photo is number 38 from our Horse Angel Cards – one of our beautiful brumbies by Michelle J Photography. The card talks about how this collapsing of fear and excitement causes people to run away from excitement and is the cause of self sabotage.
Pause and reflect on that for a minute. By not recognizing fear and excitement for what each of them really is, we can go round and round in circles, thinking life’s tough and we’re struggling to reach our dreams – running away from the excitement that’s the very thing that’s designed to guide us TO the good stuff!