The torus
There is a shape that is repeated almost infinitely in nature, called a torus. We first learned of this torus from Devony in Alaska who was doing one of our early horse programs here at the same time as she was doing a report for the U.S. government on the importance of the Alaskan wetlands.
She described the wetlands as operating in the shape and energy of a torus:
- gathering in water from the rivers and streams;
- soaking it up, absorbing all the nutrients;
- and then expelling the water out into the sea with enough force to create the rain that falls on the mountains and valleys.
- and from that rain, down comes the water flowing into the rivers and streams again, available to be gathered into the wetlands again – those actions repeating infinitely.
So the wetlands not working can be caused in ANY of those actions :
- It can be caused by a problem in the gathering – somewhere in that network of streams and creeks and rivers and land that gather that rain into the wetlands.
- Or it can be a problem in the soaking that enables the wetlands to draw the nourishment from the rain or a problem in the soaking that is blocking the building of energy that makes it POSSIBLE to expel the water out into the sea with enough force to create rain.
- or because there’s not enough water being expelled out into the ocean with enough force and energy to create the clouds that move around to the mountains and drop their rain for the rivers and streams to gather and for the cycle to keep going.
As she was talking about it, we got one of those enormous flashes of understanding, that the wetlands was a strong abundance metaphor.
Abundance can be about anything.
Most people think abundance is about money, but it’s also about a lot of other things. It’s about an abundance of love in our lives.
Abundance is also about a full flow of nutrition to our bodies and our body’s ability to use that nutrition for good health and vitality.
There’s an abundance of support from the people around us, from our families, and our friends, from our communities and from whatever divine agencies you believe in.
There’s an abundance of enjoyment about whatever we choose to do with our lives – the abundance of enjoyment that brings the passionate inspiration about our work and hobbies.
Just like the Wetlands
Like the wetlands, our whole abundance system can break down because of a deficiency at any one or more of those three stages.
- in the gathering stage – whether it’s money, love, nutrition, support, enjoyment of life, passionate inspiration or anything else,
- in the soaking up and appreciation stage – gaining nourishment, building the energy,
- in the expelling, gifting, outwards flow of whatever it is – money, love, nutrition, support, enjoyment of life, passionate inspiration for the work we do.
So let’s talk about abundance in money
So when we have a money problem:
- We can have a problem receiving money – a problem somewhere in the gathering in of the money. It could be that you feel unworthy of receiving financial wellbeing, or that someone else deserves it more than you, or you could believe that there’s a limit to abundance in the world, or you could have created a habit of living on the edge in financial chaos.
- We can have a soaking up, appreciating, gratitude problem that interferes with the flowing energy of the torus and stops the flow of money. Imagine what it does to your Law of Attraction to be stuck in feeling envious of someone else’s financial success – that fits into this part of the torus energy, or to be stuck in wanting more instead of using that to create something wonderful.
- We can have a problem with the energy with which we pay money out or with giving and THAT can be the source of the money flow problem. Imagine what it does with your Law of Attraction to be miserly about giving to those less fortunate, imagine the effect of complaining about paying bills, of resenting the money that your partner spends on something without getting to the bottom of that resentment.
There’s so many ways in which we can get in the way of our money flowing, but they all fit somewhere in that torus metaphor and I’m telling you, I bet it is going to surprise you where your money problem is coming from. Because if you already knew the answer you would have fixed it already.
Think about it. You’re not a masochist, you haven’t been getting your jollies about being miserable about money. If you already knew the answer you would have fixed it already. So what we have to do, is figure out where on our torus, where on our wetlands metaphor is the problem REALLY coming from?
When I get my little book out and check my different bank accounts each day and add them up and sit for a moment and feel really good about the amount of money in there – I am soaking up and appreciating the abundance. And I tell you it didn’t used to be like that. I KNOW what it feels like to get to the supermarket checkout and to be worried about whether I’d miscalculated as I was putting things in my basket. We’re going to talk about HOW to change that in our next lesson.
Our bodies actually vibrate to the energy of that appreciation, so physical changes will actually take place in our bodies when we take the time to pause and soak up that appreciation for something/s that we already have. And that expansive knowing of how blessed we are, that gratitude, that appreciation, brings the Law of Attraction into working FOR US. Like attracts like.
When we don’t feel good about our prices – which is about the value we put on our own work (and when we don’t feel good about our salary or wages) – then with that crappy energy we are adversely affecting the gathering of the abundance – we are bouncing around in that struggle place that we talked about.
When we are moaning and groaning and complaining and frustrated and stuck, when we aren’t appreciating what we DO have but are focused instead on the lack, what’s happening with the Law of Attraction? You got it – like attracts like – complaining attracts more things to complain about.
And all along that feeling crappy was just our Inner Guidance system trying to tell us how to get what we want! And we struggle when we resist that guidance!
And was what we were manifesting, in harmony with The Universe in the first place? i.e. does it even feel good to create that?
Does the source of our money problem come from the way that we send our abundance out into the world with the kind of positive energy necessary to cause that nurturing rain / money to fall on others? So that the energy, the money goes around with a high enough energy to be gathered by us again? IS THIS where the system is breaking down? Is the source of the problem in the energy with which we moan and complain about bills and pay them reluctantly? Is it where we don’t feel good being judgemental or keeping our wallets shut when we walk past a homeless person on the street?
When we’re afraid of some aspect of this abundance torus, when we have some kind of belief that is not Truth that limits us, when we are feeling crappy because we’re not listening to our Inner Guidance system – where are we REALLY stuck on that wetlands metaphor?
What do we BELIEVE in about money or the lack of money. Is it The Truth?
Whatever we are focusing on, consciously or unconsciously – The Law of Attraction is always going to have whatever energy / feelings /situations attracting more of the same energy / feelings / situations.
And yet PRETENDING doesn’t work
And yet we can’t PRETEND that everything is OK. That’s where people break down in their manifesting. No matter how much we pretend, or how much we try to think positive, deep down we are afraid and it’s the fear of lack, the fear of not having enough that gets in the way of that torus building and building in a glorious increasing energy of abundance until it’s at the perfect level.
Abundance in all other things
I chose this particular diagram because interruptions to the flow of abundance in all its forms are invariably caused by some kind of fear in one or more of those three torus areas.
Are we listening to our Inner Guidance system about gathering in the abundance or stuck in not understanding our fear?
Are we filled with gratitude for what we have and how we can create? What fears or habits or limiting beliefs are getting in the way of us appreciating and soaking up our abundance?
What do we BELIEVE in about this abundance or lack of abundance. Is it The Truth?
Everything we just said about the wetlands metaphor, the torus and money applies to an abundance of everything else in our lives. It applies to a full flow of nutrition to our bodies and our body’s ability to use that nutrition for good health and vitality. It applies to an abundance of love and support from the people around us, from our families, and our friends, from our communities and from whatever divine agencies you believe in. It applies to an abundance of enjoyment about whatever we choose to do with our lives – the abundance of enjoyment that brings the passionate inspiration for our work and hobbies.
Everything we just said about money applies to EVERYTHING.
Just like in the wetlands, just like with money, a disruption in ANY of those areas on the flow of the torus causes a breakdown in the whole abundance system.
So how does this torus energy thing apply to love?
What about love? How does this torus wetlands metaphor apply to love, to relationships with partners and potential partners, family and friends?
Where on the torus is the problem?
Is it somewhere in the gathering? Are we listening to our Inner Guidance system in the gathering and receiving part of the energy of loving and being loved? Or are we ignoring or suppressing our Inner Guidance system and struggling and allowing struggle to be what the Law of Attraction gives back to us?
Is the problem in the soaking up, the appreciation – the expansive and utterly genuine gratitude for the love that we already have in our lives? How might our beautiful animal play a part in that?
Is the problem in our giving of love, in our loving of self and others in an energy so expansive that it pushes love out into the universe so powerfully that the love just rains down, ready to be gathered in again?
Our Inner Guidance system will be telling us where the problem is. It’s where we’re feeling crappy. And if we’re feeling crappy for too long, then the law of Attraction says that we’re attracting whatever it is that we’re feeling crappy about and we’ll be bouncing around in that struggling resistance place again.
And what about healing?
Where on the torus are we blocking our full potential for healing?
Is it in the gathering in and receiving of the healing energy itself? (Yes I’m opening up a whole new can of happy worms here!) Is it in the soaking up and appreciating of our body’s head shakingly awesome ability to heal itself, to BE itself and the expansive, sheer gratitude for that that builds up the energy so strong that the next phase is easy? Or is it in the sending healing energy out to others in such a heart expansive, giving way that it explodes out into the Universe generally or other people specifically, with the impetus to drive that rain / healing all the way around to the gathering and receiving again?
As I was writing this lesson, I had one of my laughing and crying at the same time visions, a vision of each person working on their unique torus energy, each complete working torus building on another person, animal, plant, earth, being – and another – until the incredible strength of our healing ability for the whole world comes from a kind of teamwork and support system and synergy of all of us just roaring that torus energy stronger and stronger until everything and everybody that wishes, is drawn into it.
And what is the Truth about what we believe in about healing energy? It’s all very well to be inspired by my vision. But it’s what YOU believe in that will drive YOUR unique healing energy, Your unique ability to heal at optimum.
So if healing is your issue, you could open up to understand what you believe in about healing energy for yourself. 🙂
Nutrition and the torus
We can use the same imagery with our body’s ability to use nutrition for healing – where on the torus are we blocking our body’s ability to use nutrition for healing the ultimate way we were designed to be able to do?
Is it in the receiving – the way that we gather our food into our bodies? Is it in our soaking up and appreciating the food – the way we draw the nutrients from the food ad the expansive gratitude that can come from that? Or is it in the way we expel that food and what we do with the product of that? And see how THAT energy goes round in the torus shape, growing more food, creating more nutrition.
Think about what YOU personally wanted from this program. Go back and get your email to me if you have to. And open up to understand the Truth about where on this wetlands metaphor, where on the torus is the REAL source of what has to change to get through this change place on the way to your dream? What has to change for you to be in the flow of creation again?
And then there will be another change place and another thing that needs to change in order for you to reach your goals and dreams and that is utterly OK, because you’re going to be getting better and better at correcting your course and staying on track, struggling less and for shorter times and escalating your enjoyment and building a life you love.
Join us on a Live Event
And join us on a Live Event. Because that’s where you’ll take advantage of the amplified field of a whole bunch of people working together and get another opportunity to get your own ahhaaa moments about where in the cycle of energy you’re getting stuck in your creation of good health, loving relationships, passionate inspiration for the work that you do, money (lots of feel good about money!) and whatever else it is that you are creating or solving.
And in every Live Event, we increase our ability to become more and more Present, drop more and more easily into a Quiet Mind where the understanding and the answers flow sooo… much more easily.