The first kind of belief is what I call the Big Picture
The first kind of belief is what I call The Big Picture – you had the opportunity to set your intention to understand those in our email yesterday – remembering that what … I … or anyone else believes in, is not useful to you when the crap hits the fan and that you need to be open to notice what … YOU… believe in, all the way to your bones, for it to sustain you in otherwise difficult times.
The Big Picture is our beliefs around things like – How does manifesting, abundance, relationships really work? What happens to our soul after death? Why do bad things happen to good people, small children and helpless animals? What is our role in that? How can we best make a difference in the world when we see crappy things happening?
Is there a God or some kind of divine universal energy? How do I experience my connection to God? Is there a divine order, something that guides us? Or is it all just a useless and horrible chaos?
Like me, I’m sure there’ll be many more things that will occur to you to want to know as you go along life, that will become your Truth all the way to your bones too in ways that go way beyond mere faith or belief.
Happiness lies in using other people’s knowings as INSPIRATION and then being open to noticing OUR OWN beliefs.
Then there’s limiting beliefs
Then there’s the other kind of beliefs, the ones that LIMIT us from reaching our full potential. Understanding these enables us to cut through a lot of crap quite quickly. Something someone said or did, or how they reacted when we were vulnerable or some circumstance that happened, led us to believe that we aren’t worthy enough, aren’t good enough, or just plain aren’t enough – to have what we want in our lives, or to be what we want to be, or to do what we want to do.
To clear up limiting beliefs is to understand what’s holding us back from our goals and unfold the magnificence of who you really are. Do you think that’s over the top? 🙂 Well we’ll see hey?
Here’s a Quiet Mind to understand Limiting Beliefs
If you get the chance to sit with your animal/s while you do this Quiet Mind, I think you’ll find that a lovely way to experience it.
If you have any difficulty with the audio player above, you can listen or download by clicking here.
More thoughts about Limiting Beliefs.
What would have happened to the man who flew the first aeroplane off the ground, if when they were a kid and they were standing on the garage roof thinking about how they could fly and their mother had screamed – “Don’t do that you’ll get killed!” Do you think they would have still been among the very first people to get into the air? What could this theoretical mother have said instead? What about something like “Hey kid – How could you do that safely?”
What about cancer – that’s a great one. We’re told all kinds of things cause cancer. So if one of those pronouncements touches us at a vulnerable time and we take that on and then we are exposed to that thing or do that thing or eat that thing – then of course that thing WILL cause cancer – the fear itself can be incredibly damaging.
NOW a word of warning here – you can’t just say to yourself OK I’m going to think positive and say for example that “asbestos doesn’t cause cancer”. Because my FEAR is still there and no matter how many positive pronouncements I make from that place of fear, that’s not going to make me invulnerable to asbestosis. We have to go INWARD to find the understanding, to understand the fear, to take action on it to make ourselves safe, to find that limiting belief if there is one. Does that make sense?
So what limiting beliefs do you have?
Think about your goal for this program and decide that you want to know the limiting belief that is getting in the way of that goal.
If abundance is your issue – what limiting belief is in the way of your abundance? If your goal is to help others more effectively, what limiting belief is in the way of you being more effective for them? If your goal is a loving relationship – what limiting belief is in the way of experiencing that? If your goal is to have work that you love doing – passionate inspiration – what limiting belief is in the way of that? If you’re sick or in pain – what limiting belief is getting in the way of your body healing the way it was designed to? For those people who are way too often overwhelmed by their feelings – what limiting belief is there around your sensitivity that you have to experience everything like that – shine the torchlight of understanding instead.
What limiting belief might you have that is getting in the way of your goals? You can re-do that Quiet Mind as often as you like.
Remember that every live event (I’ll notify you by email) is an opportunity for you to work on something that you personally would like some assistance with.
And here’s my favorite books that have stimulated and inspired me to think about what I believe in. I have to put four in at a time. 🙂