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The effect of escalation on manifesting
We talked earlier, about how sensitivity is “just” our Inner Guidance system at work and how right it is that we use things and behaviors to escape from that sensitivity, when we don’t know what to do with the overloading of those feelings.
So today – let’s have a look at how those feelings – and that overload – AND all the things that we do to escape from feeling crappy – how this all ties in more deeply with our manifesting of everything – our abundance (financially and in all good things) our health, our wishes for loved ones, peace and harmony out in the world, our small goals and our big dreams.
So… each time we are feeling SOMEONE ELSE and not realizing it and not paying attention and not figuring out what we need to know or do, then we are missing one of those change places that are actually creating what we want.
That same resistance that we feel to our own feelings – we feel it TO OTHER PEOPLE’S STUFF in our unique connection way of feeling for them too. So we can be bouncing around in that crappy feeling manifesting loop going round and round in circles and struggling – unnecessarily…
Wowww… There’s a REASON for us to feel someone else’s feelings – its not random’- and when you figure it out, it’s going to help your reach YOUR dreams too.
The Five Feels and how they effect your manifesting
For those who did the “Connect with your support animal ” Quiet Minds and if you’ve been doing some of your horse journey with me, you’ll be familiar with the concept that we all Feel our horses and other animals in a way that is unique to us – that we each have our unique mixture of the five ways of Feeling – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic and Heart Feel.
These are ways in which you uniquely experience you own Inner Guidance system and they are also ways in which you uniquely experience your connection to others.
I can’t emphasize this enough. You will feel your own unique combination of these ways of feeling. There’s no point in trying to copy my way of doing it – that leads to failure and feeling “not good enough”. It’s YOUR unique combination of these feels that’s important. Just pause and feel into this, because it’s right up there as one of the most important things you’re going to hear from me.
Physical feel
So…People who have Physical Feel as part of their natural talent, will often feel other people’s physical discomfort, aches and pains, shortness of breath, tensions and other physical sensations. Just because it’s not yours, doesn’t mean ignoring and suppressing it does any less harm. Does that make sense? Not paying attention to messages from your body, not understanding them, ignoring and burying the message does physical harm to your body. Whether it’s about your own body or about theirs, you will eventually do a LOT of physical harm if you ignore it often enough and for long enough. You’ll see some of those consequences of this in our Live Events – where people are carrying what they thought were injuries or illnesses for a very long time, that are quite fixable, quite quickly.
Now here’s the big deal – those physical feelings are part of our internal guidance system – it’s just that when physical feel is one of our strengths, we will feel some of our guidance physically.
Emotional feel
People with emotional feel as one of their natural strengths, will feel their connection to others emotionally as well. The fact that they are OTHER people’s emotions that they are feeling, makes no difference to the intensity of the emotion. The intensity is simply the fact that you didn’t know how to listen and act on what you got, so each unaddressed layer of emotion adds on to the next.
Here’s the big deal again – the fact that they are OTHER people’s emotions makes no difference to that crappy feeling manifesting round and around in circles situation. When we feel crappy and don’t pay attention to it, we ARE going to struggle to reach our goals and dreams. It’s as simple as that. They are messages – whether they are for us to take action on or whether they are something for us to know or do for or about someone else – they are still messages from your Internal Guidance System on how to reach your goals and dreams – whatever they are – because it’s all tied on together.
Energetic Feel
People with energetic feel as their natural strengths have the same thing happening – they will feel other people’s stuff as stuck energy and if they don’t listen to that the energy, it adds to your own stuck energy. Explosive is one way of dealing with that stuck energy, burying it deep and making ourselves ill is another way.
AND, just like the other feels, the movement of energy in and around you is your Internal Guidance System at work, whether you’re feeling your own energy or someone else’s – it’s the same Internal Guidance System that is guiding you towards ALL your hopes and goals and dreams.
People with strong Energetic Feel can sometimes see and feel beyond the physical reality and that too is just a normal everyday part of the natural talent of people with strong Energetic Feel. Just like radio waves can’t be seen, but arrive in our radio anyway, just like the school of fish so in tune with each other that vast numbers can swim close together and flow together in a turn, in less than the blink of an eye, just like the glorious circuit of energy between a horse and rider in mastery together
Mental feel
Mental feel is about the thoughts and ideas that come across your mind. When that’s a part of your natural strength and you don’t listen to it, you will just about worry yourself crazy. People who have trouble getting their minds to quieten enough to go to sleep, are “just” experiencing their Mental Feel in overwhelm and it’s easily solved. 🙂
It makes no difference at all whether they were your thoughts or whether you’re experiencing someone else’s in that natural connection to others – they are part of your Internal Guidance System for your own goals and dreams. Experiencing someone else’s thoughts and ideas just means that in some way, your goals and dreams are tied up with someone else’s. Does that make sense? So not listening has you stuck in that round and round struggling place with your manifesting.
Heart feel
And we complete the picture of all these different ways of feeling with Heart feel. The heart feel people are those incredibly gentle people who automatically go looking for the big picture behind someone else’s behavior, they are much more likely to have their heart wide open with unconditional love. And when they suppress that, it makes them incredibly closed down, sad, anguished, even in despair and it not only gets in the way of someone else’s goals and dreams and slows THEM down, by not understanding them – but it gets in the way of their own dreams too.
When it comes to manifesting, like in everything else – we are connected to others
We Are All One.
Understanding that there are ways of feeling that connection to others that is different from ours, is beyond mere tolerance, it is fundamental to embracing people as they are, for who they really are.
Just like us, they are connected to the divine with their unique ways of feeling and connected to the divine in others by those same unique ways of feeling.
And we are all different.
So what’s the opposite to that resistance that is getting in the way of your goals and dreams?
Quieten your mind to bring your Inner Guidance system to your conscious self and open yourself to the understanding of these Magic Questions:
- Whose is this feeling?
- What do I need to know or do about it?
- Has it all gone yet? i.e. Am I feeling really good now, expansive, peaceful, joyful, whatever?
- And how does this fit with my goals and dreams? And is there anything for me to understand about how might this fit with my loved one’s goals and dreams?
And if the answer doesn’t flow in that Quiet Mind, just decide that you will have that answer, thanks – in your own good and gentle time.
These questions are a concept, something you need to be aware of. There’s no need to be running around asking yourself these questions all the time, that would actually pull you out of the Present moment. Just be open to the idea whenever you feel anything, be open to the idea that it may not be yours and that until ALL the feelings have gone, there is still a message going on there…
Don’t argue with God, cos’ you’re wasting your bloody time!
Explain Steve’s influence.
That’s my Aussie sense of humor coming out again. 🙂 While we’re talking about resistance to ALL our feelings stuffing up our manifesting, we need to know that those circumstances we’re feeling crappy about and resisting, those change places that I talked about in this diagram below – they are part of the divine plan to give you what you want.
So what are we doing arguing with those circumstances? What are we doing fighting them? Why are we complaining????
Because when we are complaining, the Law of Attraction gives us more to complain about!
Whether that’s a lame horse and we need to take that time to do something else or do something in a different way, whether it’s a badly behaved family member that we just cannot escape or whether it’s a crappy or even a desperately unhappy upbringing that will bring you the strength and empathy to be a force for change in the world – WHATEVER it is – just don’t bother arguing with God. We have a great horse lesson about this in Oliver’s Diary for anyone who’s interested, just email me. 🙂
Flowing with the understanding is the opposite of arguing with God
The opposite of arguing with God, is flowing with the understanding of whatever it is that you are feeling in the moment. Since we’re not all in totally expanded consciousness for that to happen all the time, there’s techniques that you can use you can use to achieve that understanding. You can Quieten your mind and bring your awareness inside yourself in the ways that work best for you and open your mind to understanding the answers to these magic Questions:
- Whose feeling is this?
- What do I need to know or do about it?
- Has it all gone yet?
- And how does this fit with my goals and dreams? And how might this fit with the other person’s goals and dreams?
And if the answer doesn’t flow in that Quiet Mind, just decide that you will have that answer, thanks – in your own good and gentle time, then smile and get on with your day, knowing that the answer WILL flow, when that timing is ready. And if it’s a big deal insight that you’re looking for – about some feelings that are really bothering you – then create opportunities in your day for that understanding to flow, like a walk out in nature for example, or sit quietly with that lovely animal who’s just busting to help you, do a guided Quiet Mind or a meditation. Some people quiet their mind in repetitive tasks (like Einstein did) because movement helps them and others get better results sitting quietly and that can change too.
Live Events
You’ll hear and feel people being coached through the concept of these questions in just about every Live Event and you’ll add your own ahhaa moments to that. It becomes a habit to look for the expansive understanding of the big picture behind everything and that brings more and more happiness to you, more and more vitality and more and more well being.