Reiki accelerates us to that lovely calm quiet place in our mind that horses respond to so well and so easily. It gives us a healing tool for the mind, body and spirit to get there easily when we’re struggling.
You’ll read on the testimonials page about people who have used their new Reiki energy to understand a difficult horse, to advance their horsemanship, to improve their riding, to heal themselves, their horses and their other animals.
After Corey’s Reiki attunement, she wanted to know why on earth I hadn’t done this program before. She said:
The feeling of empowerment and inner strength it’s given me has literally brought me to tears of wonder, relief, shared magnificence. I feel connected and grounded to the Universe in ways I’ve never experienced before, even with my most intense Buddhist immersions.
Here’s why I love Reiki
The more I use my Reiki, the more Present I am and the better my horsemanship becomes. Every aspect of your horsemanship – on the ground and in the saddle – is improved by being more Present. Even with a simple thing like grooming, you can escalate each other into feeling more and more good with the Reiki energy.
Here’s another reason why I love Reiki. Whenever something goes wrong – whether it’s an accident or someone sick or whether they are tight and tense or even exhausted (including me!) – whether it’s a sick or injured horse or when I am overwhelmed – I never feel helpless. The first thing I do is switch my Reiki on and get that healing started, while I figure out what else to do – sometimes the Reiki is ALL I have to do.
And it’s so long ago that I felt helpless, that I can’t even remember it.
When I held my new grandaughter for the first time after her difficult birth, I was able to support Mum and babe by pouring that healing energy into that tiny little body. Can you believe her eyes were wide open and looking at me at 2 hours old?
There’s so many lovely stories in AND out of horses.
[framed_box] What’s your priority right now?
Accelerated horsemanship?
Healing for yourself?
Healing for your horse or other animals?
Are you looking for a path to help others?
Would you like to have a simple framework for you and your horse to escalate each other into more and more feeling good?
Are you looking for the next step in your spiritual journey as you move into being everything you can be?
Reiki can oh so easily help you with all these things and more.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient healing modality that raises the body’s vibration and accelerates the natural healing ability of the body – sometimes phenomenally. Like electricity, Reiki can’t be seen – yet its effects are just as profoundly felt.

What can Reiki do for you and your loved ones?
For your horse: Reiki can also give you a lovely and very simple framework for you and your horse to escalate each other into feeling more and more good.
You can use Reiki to help your horse to find the healing that comes from releasing old emotional stress and physical tension.
But I think the biggest thing is that the Reiki healing energy is automatic. You don’t have to be in a good place mentally, emotionally or physically, to be effective – you simply put your hands on and the healing energy just flows.
For yourself: Yes I noticed I put the horse first too. 🙂 That’s probably the last time you’ll see it, because in the first level of Reiki we understand that looking after ourselves is essential to being able to look after others.
Using Reiki for healing yourself – mentally emotionally AND physically – automatically improves your horsemanship. The more emotionally balanced WE are, the better our horses relate to us on auto pilot. Reiki has a magnificent simplicity that you can use to support and accelerate that journey to being more and more Present and get the understanding that comes with that, flowing more easily.
For those super sensitives amongst you – You can be in a meltdown, put your Reiki hands on and channel the energy to bring yourself down – soothing and relaxing – so that you can more easily find the understanding that you are looking for – cutting through the struggle and resistance and balancing that beautiful sensitivity so much more easily.
Reiki is a first aid kit in your hands. Because it’s a very physical healing energy, it’s excellent for first aid in emergencies. It’s like turning on a light switch and the energy flows on auto pilot, whether we’re feeling calm or not. And it helps calm things in an emergency, helping with shock and overwhelm and accelerating healing.
To pick up the Reiki energy automatically, we have to be tuned to it. It’s a bit like tuning in a radio frequency. You are attuned / initiated by your Reiki master (in this program, that’s me 🙂 ) and after these attunements you will always have the ability to channel your Reiki – for healing, for calmness and relaxation, for expanded understanding – no matter what the circumstances.
There’s three levels of Reiki:
Level One: You start at Level One, where the focus is primarily self healing, healing for your horse and other animals and your loved ones.
If you’ve already done Reiki
I invite those who already done Reiki to experience how I integrate horsemanship and Reiki and to join our Reiki community – at no cost. I have some big ideas to create/support a community of Reiki Masters spreading across the world, spreading this beautiful connected and expanded understanding thing that we do with horses and in Life. So if you’ve already done Reiki and you’re interested in being part of that community then email me.
I’ve also come across too many people who have learned Reiki and for whatever reason, they don’t use it. (If that’s you, email me and we’ll talk about how to kick start you properly.) The beauty of this on line program is that we are able to help people to create a beautiful habit that supports them for the rest of their lives and to give you a community of like minded people to keep in touch with and be stimulated by.
Click here for Testimonials – this page is still under construction. . 🙂
Happiness & Healing with Horses & Reiki
(If you have any name suggestions for this program please – you can see I still haven’t thought of one yet!)
How it will work:
1. You’ll get the two week on line program, with 12 mostly short lessons to learn about Reiki, how to use it on yourself, your horse and other animals and how to structure a healing session for other people.
2. Some time during that period we’ll do the attunements live – in pairs usually, either by Skype or Facetime or through the Seminar website that I use.
3. Your program and attunements will be followed by 3 weeks of email support to get the most from your Reiki journey (those thought provoking support emails are still growing!)
4. And then you’ll have ongoing support with conversation and sharing “forever”, in our own Reiki space on our student forum.
The cost of the online program and the attunements, with all the on-going “forever” support, is $350.