Well my dear, this Reiki energy seems to have brought me a fundamental missing piece and WHY DA HELL DIDN’T YOU DO THIS SOONER???!!!! (She’s referring to me offering the program on line.)
The feeling of empowerment and inner strength it’s given me has literally brought me to tears of wonder, relief, shared magnificence. I feel connected and grounded to the Universe in ways I’ve never experienced before, even with my most intense Buddhist immersions.
THIS is indeed magic. THANK YOU JENNY!
Adriane & Tiny
Adriane in Bend USA, had had a Reiki attunement previously, but it was done in the company of unhappy horses and left a sour taste in her mouth. She said of her top up Level One and her new (and unexpected) Reiki Two attunement:
The last couple of days have been just…lovely. Something I was holding on to that I didn’t need just went away, maybe? Something healed? All I know is I feel great. Lumina – the LV3 mare who’s been teaching me dressage, along with her owner and my coach, Nancy- and I had a lesson today and it was light hearted and carefree- relaxed and joyful. It was incredible the connection Lumina and I had today. Lessons are usually lots of fun, but this was way BETTER! All the furry kids have been clustering around somewhat more than usual. I just feel so peaceful, all the way to my bones. Like harmony has been restored. I can’t wait to see what changes are coming- I can feel things shifting around, getting ready to form a new pattern, like a kaleidoscope.
I would also like to let you know how much more complete your attunement was than the first one I experienced- not to mention no traumatized horses 😀
What I didn’t get before: the idea of practicing on myself, the self healing hand positions- not to mention that I don’t remember (and my memory isn’t that bad) being told to even use the Power symbol, never mind how. Not to mention your explanations are so much more complete and therefore more useful! And the most important thing- you’re WAY more fun!!! Part of being the real deal!!!
Thanks and joy from all of us!
Caroline in Portugal says she’s enjoying the power and sheer focus the Reiki is bringing. “I’m loving it, feeling much more empowered and joyful. I’ve been having some gorgeous experiences so far. It has been opening my third eye dramatically, it has given me brain and emotional space about working through some big stuff. Star was amazingly insistent yesterday like never before” and her partner who has been very unwell was “within…. oh I don’t know… it felt like less than a minute of giving him Reiki, he was fast asleep and had a really good nights rest.”
Felicity from Australia wrote: “Synchronicity in the Universe Jenny. I love it! This afternoon I was teaching a young horse who has been abused and passed from home to home before he landed with me a float loading lesson. He has only ever been trucked from one home to another. Standing at the tailgate he looked at me with eyes wide open and I got the message loud and clear No Please I do not want to go to a new home. His terror was written all over his face and etched in the tension of his body. Poor wee soul. I asked for the power of the Universe to help me allay his fears as I drew my Cho Ku Rei just above the tailgate, on his body, in front of his head and in the float. We both paused for quite some time and then he took a deep breath out with me, licked and chewed and walked straight up! So moving and so beautiful.”
June’s dog Lucy
June from Texas said “I spent the evening sitting on the couch, and the pressure on the back of my leg sometimes gives me leg cramps. I got a really bad one in my left leg, and then when I went to bed, it hit my right leg. Usually when that happens the only solution is to get into some hot water. But I Cho-Ku-Rei-ed the spot, and immediately the experience became different. The cramp didn’t stop, but it turned into an intense, but not unpleasant, sensation – like a pulsing of the muscles – a sensation that I could experience calmly, kind of in slow motion, rather than as an assault. And after two or three pulses, it just stopped altogether.
Marla’s horse Maggie
Marla from the USA has used her Reiki to accelerate her horsemanship. She said: “I have been playing with staying relaxed, centered and soft inside while directing energy in the direction I want my horse Maggie to go when I am working her in hand. When Jenny did my attunement and I was practicing the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol, I got the feeling in my hand and knew that it was exactly the feel that I was looking for when playing with Maggie. I have tried it with her and it works beautifully.”
Hannah from Sweden has found her Reiki attunement has automatically broken some old patterns. 🙂 She said: “It seems every next second is one beautiful revelation after another! The comfort in knowing the diversity of the Cho Ku Rei (that’s the Reiki Power Symbol) means that I can let go of the control (I never really had…) in situations that cause me anxiety.
No more anxiety. Pure belief in the Power of the Universe.
Very, very, very cool stuff”.
Bron from England had her attunement only a few days earlier than this email: “One of my dogs [angel ] was limping though I did not know which hind leg was the problem as I’d only seen it out of the corner of my eye. I decided to give the reiki a go by just hovering my hands over her hip on the side she nearly always has a problem – ha! – she pushed my had away & moved her position so I could do the opposite side.
I noticed she had a wound between her toes & yes it cleared up without her usual licking for days. Was a very nice rewarding experience. Thanks jenny for this program. Cheers bron
Fiona from Australia is using her Reiki to make a breakthrough with a difficult horse that she has been feeling crappy about for a long time. She had done Reiki 1 a couple of weeks earlier when I received this email. I’d put her on the 21 Days to a Quiet Mind program to help her deepen her Feel for her angry horse so that she could figure out what was “wrong” with him. She thinks that the combination of both programs is something that I should offer to all people who are new to our work here.
“The answer for O and I, was something I had thought I was past and he wasn’t – but it turns out we both needed to heal from this to continue on in our journey. It relates back to the previous trainer and how he made us both feel. I keep hearing you guys on the reiki course saying “you need to heal yourself first before Opal can really heal”. Amen to that I say. I see it clearly and feel this is a major turning point in our future together. I am totally blown away by what is coming up and how it is now starting to “FLOW”. Part of my brain goes “this cant be really happening” and the rest of me says just go with it, this feels so great and positive. Thank you sooooo much once again.
As I have said before, right place, right time, right people. Sooo blown away and excited about it, I just never thought I would feel this way. It’s been a long hard road over the last 3yrs with him – some ups but a lot of downs.
I can 100% recommend the 21 Days to a Quite Mind as the number one starting point, plus the Reiki of course. It is working for me & as you know I am completely new to all of this.
I am sure you spend all day just reading amazing emails from people, what a great job. Blessings to you, Love F and O.
Reiki is a tool that among many other wonderful things, can be used for accelerating our understanding of ourselves and our animals, for healing of ourselves and others, for helping our horses and other animals with “bad” behavior, as well as accelerating our well being for ourselves and all our other animals too. 🙂
From the Hayshed – an extract from introduction to reiki healing:
When we do clinics and workshops and programs in person, chat time around the kitchen table and in the hayshed hugely adds to our clinic. Even though we’re working across vast distances in our on line programs, I like everyone to experience the stories and feel part of our community as if they are right here with us.
Reiki stories
Reiki has underpinned my healing work for 22 years now and there’s so many lovely stories of healing with people and animals woven into our lives. Sometimes it’s phenomenal, like my husband’s healing of 14 spinal fractures before he got to hospital after an accident.
He had taken our two boys and grandson for a day at the snow on toboggans. He described the accident later – saying that he was going too fast and that instead of sliding along the snow, the toboggan kept bouncing off the top of the curves with enormous impact on each hit.
The three children were all Reiki channels, so they had their hands on and the Reiki running from almost the first moment of the injury.
I got the phone call just as he was leaving in the helicopter. There “just happened” to be two more Reiki Channels sitting at my kitchen table that afternoon – we were all Level 2 trained as distance healers – so three more of us started giving him Reiki. I made a phone call to my Reiki Master and she and someone else there started work too. So there was 8 Reiki Channels working on him.
When I got to the hospital, some hours away from home, the nurse came out and said “Sorry to tell you but your husband has broken his back.” Gosh I can still remember the bluntness of those words and his manner. “You can’t see him yet because he’s on his way down for an MRI. They’re worried that all those old spinal fractures might be covering up more damage than what they can see on the xrays.”
“What old spinal fractures?” says me “He’s never broken his back before.”
The xrays had showed 14 healed spinal fractures and two very nasty current ones – 2 vertebrae that were crushed on both sides of the wings but with the spinal cord intact in the centre. (A very similar injury to Christopher Reeves (who was quadraplegic), but Merv’s spinal cord was intact.)
About 7 years earlier, Merv had had a very bad truck accident – a sweet little old lady driving the community bus had gone through a stop sign at 60 miles an hour, looking backwards at her passenger for some reason and he just happened to be on the main road part of the T intersection. He had crushed both legs across the kneecaps, one thigh bone was in pieces and his arm was in many pieces from the base of the fingers to the elbow. He was operated on for 11 hours with five separate teams working and in hospital for 7 months.
The xray file from back then and the subsequent years of surgery was so thick that you couldn’t carry it. He had been xrayed all over that first night of the first accident and many times later, in great detail – including his spine. There were no spinal fractures back then. The hospital for the toboggan injury was the same specialized trauma hospital – reputed to be the best in the country, certainly the best in our state.
I’ve asked doctors about these 14 old spinal fractures many times since and nobody has any medical explanation. Everyone says it’s impossible that the best xray specialists in the state missed 14 spinal fractures back in that original truck accident. It was a teaching hospital and not only would the xray people and their students be looking at them, but a whole barrage of orthopedic specialists and their students were looking at them too.
The only answer I can think of is that they didn’t miss 14 old spinal fractures because they weren’t there. The only other answer is that 8 Reiki channels supported his body for massive accelerated healing of these 14 spinal fractures before he got to hospital.
In another example of accelerated healing of broken bones, a friend of mine had their child fall off the slide in a playground and broke her arm. While they were waiting in emergency for quite a long time, she was soothing the child with Reiki. When they eventually got medical attention and x-rays, the doctor was very stern with her because he thought that the injury had happened days before – where in fact it had happened about three hours earlier. The healing was clearly accelerated.
A burn story. I and my own Reiki Master once healed a nasty burn in just 10 minutes. Christmas evening and a little tipsy on two glasses of wine, I was checking the stove and put my hand on the hotplate for too long and seared the rings of an electric stove into my hand. We used a combination of taking the burn back to the heat of the stove and we used Reiki and Vivian used Chi Gung as well. Ten minutes later I was back cooking Christmas dinner holding pots with that hand. I’ll give you precise instructions on how to do that on the reiki course. 🙂