Reiki is a journey that gets us closer to the source of all life, closer to God or The Universe, whatever words you feel most comfortable with, so living a life with Integrity and Intention, Intuition, Right Conduct and Kindness will bring grace to this path.
Integrity, Intention, Intuition, Right Conduct
Integrity – Being honest and truthful is not just about the obvious of being honest and truthful with others. Be honest and truthful with yourself. This means being prepared to look at ourselves and our own behaviour, to look at our thoughts, be aware of our motivations – being open to the capital T of personal Truth.
The Truth NEVER hurts, it ALWAYS feels expansive – be open to the Truth always. No imposing your will on others. Integrity also has us finding our inner strength through Truth. Walk your talk.
Right Conduct – right conduct means being AWARE of and LIVING our integrity, our ethics and our values. Our ethics are about what WE consider right and wrong and values are the things in life that are important to US. These ideas rightly change as life goes on and often change as we observe the effect of someone else’s actions on us. That’s a big deal right there folks…
Without making ourselves or anyone else wrong, think about your ethics and values around things like for example, judging yourself and others, being critical and gossiping negatively about someone. When we observe behavior in ourselves that doesn’t fit with Who We Really Are, then we can do a Quiet Mind with the intention of expanding our understanding around that. We can even add our Reiki symbols to a Quiet Mind to make that whole Quiet Mind process deeper and easier – more about that later.
Reverence for life and particularly a reverence for other people’s choices. I am passionate about people’s choices being their own and that we can support them by providing different options that expand their choices, but that we should never push someone into a choice. God gave us choices, so who are we to push people or take those choices away?
Think about what this means to you as an extension of Right Conduct. Decide to notice your OWN beliefs and ethics and values around reverence for life and other people’s choices.
Intention – The power of intention is enormous. Be thoughtful and deliberate and kind in your intentions. In your Inner Guidance, make sure any intention that you set FEELS good.
Intuition – Does it feel RIGHT? Trust your Inner Self – that will get easier and easier as time goes on and your ability to be Present deepens. Use the gentle attention to your outward breath and the way that your ribs move in that breathing, feel for your heartbeat, the energy moving through your body, the awareness of your emotions and any other sensations in your body. Allow any thoughts and ideas to float across your mind – no matter how seemingly negative – just observe them until you find the gold (the insights) at the bottom of them. And in THIS space, does it feel RIGHT?
Once you are attuned, your hands and chakras will be constantly passing Reiki energy into your aura and therefore whatever comes in contact with your aura will also come in contact with the Reiki energy.
You may notice your hands tingle when you are near people or plants or animals. This means that they are absorbing a dose of the life energy from you. If you’re not doing it on purpose, it doesn’t require permission.
People can be vulnerable when they are receiving healing – even when that healing is happening just from contact with your aura – so Kindness to others is even more important.
People can experience opportunities for change just from coming in contact with your aura, so be aware of that – be open to that and don’t EXPECT people around you to behave as they did before. You might like to reflect for a moment on the possibilities in that. 🙂
People can express their vulnerability in many different ways, including what we might otherwise think of as poor behavior, so keep that in mind too. 🙂
Our Beliefs
When we discover our beliefs for ourselves, when they come from our own Inner Guidance, from our own divine source within us, then our beliefs sustain us in times that would otherwise be difficult and in ways that go beyond mere faith.
If you haven’t done this already, then take your attention inside yourself and Quieten your mind with awareness of your breath, heartbeat, your energy, your emotions, your thoughts, allow awareness of your whole body – and decide to notice what you believe in about life after death, what happens to the soul after death, why bad things happen to good people, small children and animals and anything else that you want to know the “why” of.
Smile and get on with your day, knowing that the answers will flow over the next little while. Keep your eyes and ears open for the answers which will come in all kinds of ways – in a big whoosh of understanding or in gentle bits and pieces here and there from all kinds of places – out of the mouth of a child, a line in a song or a scene from a movie, something you read, maybe just walking along in Quiet Mind space – all kinds of things might prompt the insight and the understanding.
At one time I was doing a particularly difficult healing session with a dog who had killed it’s housemate cat, when an enormous flood of understanding came to me about what I believed in. Later I expanded and added depth and understanding to my beliefs by making notes of all the smaller insights that came to me, that ended up creating a big and beautiful picture of knowing all the way to my bones what I believed in.
Again… When our belief comes from INSIDE of ourselves, it is sustainable and goes beyond mere faith.
In the Hayshed
I often talk about that we have two jobs as “healers” – supporting and enabling people to live the best life possible and supporting the sweetest death possible.
After 23 years of supporting those whose time has come, I have many beautiful death stories but the one about my father in law way back in the early days, stands out as something that has been a beautiful foundation for all my beliefs and knowings since.
My father in law was dying after a drug error caused a complete body collapse. We had spent some hours with him the previous evening, putting the Reiki energy into him for hours into the night, then gone home for some sleep.
Early in the morning we were called to the hospital urgently “If you want to be here, you’d better come quickly,” the nurse said.
He waited for us I think and Merv and I both had our hands on with Reiki running when he took his last peaceful breath and just slipped away. Merv’s mother and sister were crying – he had clearly just died – but Merv and I looked at each other puzzled because we could still feel our hands hot with the energy, so we kept our hands on.
I don’t know how long it was because time feels different at a time like that, but in the very instant before my hands turned off, I felt this… there are no precise words to describe the feeling… It was a cross between a sound and a vibration and the most intense feeling of joy.
It was clear to me that that feeling, was where Jack was going as he crossed over. I described it to Merv’s mother later as “the sound of the angels singing.”
I’ve never been afraid of death since – not mine, not anybody else’s.
Now… this experience and the understanding that came with it, was profound and life changing for me, but it’s just a story for you. You need to find YOUR OWN expansive understandings about death, so that you can Hold Space and channel the Reiki energy with peacefulness and love all the way to death when you’re ready.
We’ll be talking about this again, but please feel free to email me if you need any support in this area. jenny@jennypearce.com.au