With your Reiki One, you have become accustomed to looking after yourself first, and you know now that if you don’t, eventually you are in no position to look after anyone else.
Your Reiki 2 adds phenomenally to your ability to look after yourself – mentally, emotionally AND physically.
It’s so hard to put this into words – I would love you to Feel into this concept with me.
I see myself and others as this miraculous being made up of all these amazing parts that have their own sentience – each part having its own awareness – the parts getting smaller and tinier – all those parts made up of smaller parts with THEIR own awareness too, all the way to the tiny microcosms that work together in the most miraculous way, to make up this incredible invention that I am, that is a part of the whole Cosmos.
Each part of me has an energy that is of the whole of me, each part seems to have it’s own memory, each tiny particle has it’s own ability to heal.
This knowing about the make up of our bodies has come to me partly through my healing work, but the excitement… that’s come from being more and more Present to the feel of my body, Feeling and Knowing and becoming more and more aware, all the way down to those tiny aware particles that make up my being.
With our Reiki 2, we can talk to / communicate with PARTS of ourselves – like a knee that hurts for example – being open to the fact that the symptoms can be a long way away from the cause and being prepared to follow wherever our healing session leads us. We can find and Feel and talk to a group of cells, or to the energy in cells, or to the Awareness in cells.
We can go back and forward in time and space as we’re working from the Big Picture of our place in The Universe, all the way down to these tiny particles of cells. The sky and your imagination of where to take your Reiki and the Laws of The Universe (which are much broader than you thing!), is the limit.
The process of doing a Reiki 2 session on yourself
Have a pen and paper to write down what comes up – as it comes up. Personally I don’t remember all of what comes up by the end of a session and the idea of doing a session like this is to Release whatever is going on and specially to bring the understanding to your conscious mind where necessary. So that’s why the notes are so important. They can cause a cascade of conscious understanding when I’m reading them after the session. I keep my eyes half closed when I’m writing so as to keep me in that meditating space while I write.
I used to sit back in an armchair and have my paper on the arm of the chair, but I’ve found working at my kitchen table or my desk or in my healing room if I’m looking for quiet – somewhere I can have good posture to help my Awareness of what’s happening in my body.
Quieten your mind by taking your attention inside your body with attention to the movement of your ribs on your outward breath, listen for your heartbeat, feel the energy moving around your body, feel any emotions, be aware of any sensations in your body and allow the thoughts and ideas to drift across your mind. Use the symbols on anything that comes up in yourself during this process, until you feel relaxed and ready to proceed with the session.
Remember Vanilla Reiki? (If I’ve swapped lessons around and you haven’t read about this yet, don’t worry, it’s coming up! 🙂 ) Real vanilla is a beautiful thing. You don’t NEED to be in a beautiful Present state to do a Reiki 2 session on yourself. The actual DOING of the session will in itself, enable you to be more and more Present. So the more you do these sessions on yourself, the higher you will be vibrating and the better and better you will get, at bringing yourself into that place of Inner Awareness where your understanding flows easily. And what a wonderful effect THAT will have on your conscious connection to your horse and your horsemanship. 🙂
Back to the process of doing a session on yourself… Then feel that part of your body that you want to communicate with, knowing that understanding of what’s going on with this part of your body, will Release whatever is ready to be released.
Be open to the idea that some or all of what is going on may not be yours – that part or even all of it, you may be experiencing as the way that you experience your unique connection to others. If you’re new to my work and this concept hasn’t “landed” for you yet, let me know and I’ll send you some more information around this principle – maybe a meditation or two so that you can get your own insights. 🙂
Use your Reiki symbols in the same order as a distance healing session that we’ll talk about in the next lesson – Cho Ku Rei first to Place the Power of the Universe here, then Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to work through time and space, Cho Ku Rei again to strengthen that symbol, Sei He Ki for the understanding that brings mental and emotional healing and Cho Ku Rei again to add power to that.
Even now while you’re reading about this process, feel into the power of those symbols during such a healing. Cho Ku Rei to Place the power of the Universe here; choose one or both of the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nens to work through time and space into the cause of your symptoms, to open the book of life and now read; Cho Ku Rei again to strengthen that (as if it even needed strengthening!), Sei He Ki for the understanding that brings mental and emotional healing, the deep appreciation of that whole process, God and man become One; and Cho Ku Rei again to add power to that. Whew!
Then you make notes of whatever comes up. For me it took some practice to be able to stay in that connected state while I wrote my notes, but you are all energetically a lot further ahead of where I was back then, so it may be a lot easier for you, even from the beginning. I keep my eyes half closed so as to not come too far out of that communicating state and go back into Inner Awareness, using the awareness of my breathing/ heartbeat / energy / thoughts / emotions if I need to, to flow into the next part of the session.
In the Hayshed

For your information, the sore knee was my own example while I was writing these lessons for you. 🙂 There were a bunch of causes behind it – things that I had allowed to slip, feelings that for whatever reason I had “settled for” my resistance, without looking to the cause.
I’ll share that session with you so you can see how a session can go.
I saw Oliver’s wonky hock which is about a bladder meridian disturbance and saw the physical relationship of his hock to my knee. The bladder meridian is where we store unacted on and suppressed terror.
While I continued my Reiki 2 on it, I saw the image of a corpse lit up theatrically and then suddenly the corpse sat up like in a scarey movie. (Important note: There was no feeling of fear while I was working, just the observation of the cause.)
The insight I got was that part of what was going on with my knee had been caused by watching crappy scarey TV and reading crappy scarey books and being disturbed by those without paying attention to how it was disturbing me. It might only be a movie and of course it’s not real, but the effect on me WAS real and I should have been attending to that. Maybe other people can watch and read these kind of things and enjoy it – clearly it brought stuff up for me that clearly wants more understanding.
The message: either stop watching and reading that crap, or pay attention to and get the understandings around it – every time! 🙂
As another example of the same kind of thing, I used to get badly effected by watching the news, to the point that I avoided it. But by going into Inner Awareness whenever something on the news disturbed me, I was able to Hold Space for people through crappy things that were happening out there in the world. This process means that I am contributing positive energy to the situations that I hear about on the news and THAT will make the world a better place.
I should be able to do that through my feelings brought up by scarey movies too, but there’s some more understanding to get around that it seems!
Then there was a bunch of other things around the knee – a client I was concerned about and some energetic protection that I needed to set in place while I expanded all the understanding necessary. Hmm I was surprised about the protection thing, because I usually see the need for protection as being unnecessary. Real, expanded consciousness kind of understanding means that we don’t need protection, so I prefer to go for the expanded understanding rather than the protection, but it appears that I need it in this case. I saw one of my Reiki symbols in violet light in my crown chakra, cascading violet light like a “rain” around me in a kind of a shield. I remember that some of you received that kind of protection in your attunements.
It feels lovely to have that kind of protection in place while I expand my understanding that will make that protection unnecessary. 🙂 The insight I got is that because the protection is made of my reiki symbols, the protective shield is effortless. And being effortless, in my mind, makes this method of protection automatically the best practice. 🙂
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