When you read the words in the heading and picture, I’m sure that some of you at least will be wondering if I’m some kind of crazy Pollyanna. That’s a story from my childhood about this little girl who changed the world around her by seeing the best in everyone and everything. Yeah… naaa… I’m no Pollyanna but I DO love feeling good.
And no matter what the conflict, that’s exactly what our horses can lead us to.
Save the date for this live on-line event:
7am Sunday 22nd October Melbourne summer time
- Horses – we’re going to talk about how opening up to the Third Way of resolving conflict without either party needing to compromise, creates an opportunity to be brilliant with horses. We’ll talk about how we discovered it and what happens at a very practical level when we apply this philosophy to our horse work.
- Personal relationships – the horse work we do on this day will create an opportunity to find personal conflict resolution with no need to compromise.
- We’ll discover real hope in this crazy looking world, by applying these principles that horses bring to us so beautifully, to the wider world around us.
And we’ll all leave with feeling more peaceful, more excited, more curious, and I’d say “hopeful” except that I think it will be more “knowing” that there is a solution to what’s going on around us.
Here’s the email I wrote a few days ago, that some of you will already have seen.
8’ish years ago, in a horse clinic, we stumbled on (or were led to) a truth so big and far reaching that it has the capacity to change the world around us. It started with clinic participants experiencing what we called the Third Way. When there’s perceived conflict between the horse and person – which is basically any time the horse isn’t doing what we want and we’re trying to get it to happen – there is always a Third Way where neither party needs to compromise and both horse and person get what they want. It was a “heal your horse’s back” clinic and every participant experienced profound and in one case, life saving healing.
As is the way in this horse work, I expanded that into my life personally, learning how to resolve conflict in the same life affirming way. Don’t get me wrong I’m no saint, sometimes I have to work at it lol! But there is a deep sense of comfort in me knowing that the Third Way is always there even in the middle of an upset.
And for 8 years in our community we’ve been facilitating this Third Way of resolving old and new conflicts with horses and with people in their lives outside of horses. You can imagine how life changing that relief is, knowing that we can find inner peace in every conflict both past and present.
But it’s bigger than that
I’ve also “seen” and known all the way to my bones that it’s possible to do this Third Way conflict resolution on a much grander world scale, with bigger conflicts. Can you feel me laughing softly to myself? I’ve often thought “give me just one leader with an open mind and open heart in any given conflict and we could solve the problems of the world.” A bit grandiose maybe, but yeah I believe in this Third Way all the way to my bones.
It seems like the time is now, to spread this stuff around in a big way. Everywhere I look there’s people experiencing conflict – in Australia at the moment there’s the emotion laden Voice proposal, in the USA there’s political and societal unrest fomenting, there’s the Russian war in the Ukraine, Serbian troops mobilizing on their neighbor’s border, now the Israel Palestinian conflict is blowing up into full on war – everywhere you look there’s people in conflict.
What if we… you and me… could change the world around us?
And what if we could do it by being brilliant with horses AND with lightness of spirit?
What if enough of us could change the world around us, to bring peace to the world itself? And at the very least, if we could bring peace to OUR world?
Live event 7am Sunday 22nd October Eastern Australia Summer time/ Saturday in the USA, UK, Europe and Canada. Recordings are available for a week.
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