For those on the clinic who are not familiar with the concept of meet and melt, [highlight color=”blue”]click here for a lesson from Fast Track that explains it.[/highlight] The lesson is the first one in a series about releasing old tensions and stresses and injuries from tying up a horse and then re-teaching a horse to tie up. Meet and melt is taught as a technique for the release stage.
Then go on and watch the advanced version of meet and melt in the context of softness vs lightness on the video below.
Advanced meet and melt
In the riding lessons on Fast Track, we lead people through a journey of more and more inner awareness, as they feel inside their own bodies to RELEASE the things that make them brace up when they ride, RE-LEARN a useful riding position that is perfect for them at this time and RE-PROGRAM that new position into muscle memory so that it’s just there on auto -pilot.
That ability to feel inside ourselves, along with the powerful, flexible posture that we teach with it, makes it possible to achieve an advanced version of meet and melt, even if you’re not right here in front of me to feel me explain it you.
In this advanced version of meet and melt, in inner awareness and in the auto-pilot flexible strength of good posture, you can feel the very edge of where the horse has the brace or resistance and melt off it in a tiny, infinitesmal way and feel the very borderline of that resistance and the incredible energy in that place.
This is energetic feel in all its extraordinariness and is gobsmacking in its capacity to release whatever that brace or resistance is and never fails to blow me away with the result.
This short video, talking about lightness vs softness, explains what makes that advanced “meet and melt” such a powerful tool in our toolbox when you use inner awareness and the strength and flexibility of good posture.