Juliette, a French girl from Paris, fitted into our family as if she was born in the countryside. She came to us on the wwoofer program (Willing Workers on Organic Farms). It’s a program that involves working for your organic board and keep whilst being part of the family in a different country.
With very little experience of horses, she got the connection with the horses almost straight away, (even though it took her a little bit longer to have faith in her ability to use that connection). She was able to use that connection to help me with Blondie who needed more excercise than normal after getting at some apples and carrots left outside in the garage.
If Juliette could do it so easily, so could you. Check out the sidebar for our introduction to this simple, gentle and effective way of weaving happiness, healing and horses. If you’re on a mobile you’ll find the sidebar underneath each article.
Juliette brought the French love of food into our kitchen and fun into the house. She very quickly had my TV loving men twisted around her little finger and sitting up at the dining table enjoying French conviviality at dinner time!
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