Tihana is young Croation woman who left our place recently, having wwoofed with us for a bit over a month. WWOOF is Willing Workers On Organic Farms – Google it , it’s a wonderful way of working your way through a new country and really getting to know the people and the country.
She worked hard and threw herself into the horse stuff after working hours – practising those things that are in the FREE LESSONS The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse and REALLY learning to listen to the early warning signal that something was Not Quite Right and take action on them. Look right to the big yellow box to get yours if you haven’t had them already.) Living here with me is a bit of an immersion in what I teach and people learn to LIVE the same principles with which we work with horses. Well 🙂 that’s the goal anyway and practising being peaceful and happy with these principles is a good deal.
Tihana has a degree in Biology already and wants to extend that to ecology. She left here to go to Germany for an interview for a scholarship to study there. She went to pieces when she saw 9 people on the interview panel and thinks that she mucked up the interview when she lost her VERY polished English under pressure. (The scholarship was for a course that was being conducted in English.)
I had made a suggestion for dealing with suddenly feeling intimidated like that and here is her reply…
Thankyou for the advice. Actually I know what I needed to do but I let my brain take over- I didn’t react on time to not feeling quite right and went into being afraid and not doing anything about it, I mean, I was thinking about it but I wasn’t looking inside…
I suppose that happened because I thought that interview is something I have to do with my brains, like that’s not something I have to do with a feeling…
I was so wrong!
So, that was my first ‘test’ back home, and lesson learned- I have to do EVERYTHING with looking inside, just the way I did it on the farm and I feel confident that I can do it. When I realized this I had that WOW feeling: I will never again go back to that never-ending state of worrying, being constantly stressed and afraid, feeling lost and like ‘I don’t know what to do with my life’, but all the same trying to control everything all the time…
I just can’t do things like that anymore, I have a new (hopefully never-ending) happiness, feeling good and grateful and like ‘I know what to do’ and ‘Everything will be alright’ state of mind.
True, the feeling’s not that strong like when I was surrounded with nature but I’m gonna find a way to keep it and nurture it no matter where I am.
I’m on a journey here and it’s gonna be a hell of a ride! Maybe road will be bumpy sometimes or I’ll have to take some roundabouts but I’m sure I’ll get there (wherever I’m heading at that moment) and most important of all- I’m gonna enjoy the ride! 🙂
I felt like sharing this with you because you can really understand and appreciate what I’m saying, and it’s actually one more THANK YOU for making it possible for me to do that piece of life-puzzle.
Me: I got quite “happy emotional” when I read this (for those who know me in person, what a surprise!) and asked Tihana for her permission to share it with you, because it is a PERFECT example of how our horse lessons bring us life lessons that serve us so beautifully.
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