Our bodies are amazing.
And when you think how miraculously they’re designed, I bet you’ll shake your head in wonder too.
For the kinesiologists among you, I’ve put the names on – terrible aren’t they? I suspect that whoever named them didn’t realise the gobsmacking wonder of the life process they are.
The psora Miasm – We have an automatic system that creates new cells. How brilliant is it? When we have a great big hole in our flesh and even snap a bone and the cells reach across the chasm, creating a bridge to the other side and voila! the wound is healed, the bone is mended. AND that wondrous joining tissue – the scars – are stronger than the original and that’s just one example of the way we create and use new cells.
The Sycotic miasm – We have a communication system that is the envy of computer programmers. Automatic information runs up and down our spinal column and through our nerve system – a two way information superhighway, communicating with bones, muscles and organs. Our endrocrine system – our hormones and brain chemicals are another vital part of this superhighway that gives us access to conscious information and adjusts our systems automatically.
The Syphilitic miasm – We have a drainage system to get rid of crap (no pun intended) that we’re either finished with, don’t need or don’t want in our bodies. Starting with the tiny cells in our body, supported by various organs and the lymph pathways, our body has the ability to expel things like a splinter in your finger for example and to drain out unwanted residual stuff from food and anything else our body wants to get rid of. And all this happens on auto pilot, with our bodies making constant fine adjustments all by itself.
All miasms – And we have an immune system that knocks my socks off – that pulls these other systems together in a wondrous dance of power.
So think about it… We don’t want to turn off our body’s ability to create new cells – even if, for example, we have a tumour or even when our body is laying in the extra bone that when it hurts is called arthritis. We don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to communicate with itself, even if that communication is painful or inflammatory. We don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to eliminate the things that would cause harm otherwise – even if that abscess or that rash or that diarrhea is driving us crazy.
The thing is that when our Psoric miasm is in overwhelm, we grow warts or tumours. When our Syph miasm is in overwhelm, among other things, we have diarrhea or weepy rashes. When our Syc miasm is in overwhelm, among other things, we can have chronic pain, inflammation, hormone upset, brain chemicals out of whack – all the communication systems of the body.
And when ALL the miasms are in overwhelm at the same time, because it’s the immune system itself in overwhelm, then it opens the possibilities to things like rheumatoid arthritis, cancers, aids, viruses etc.
The point I’m trying to make here is, that these monumentally wonderful life patterns are just in overwhelm.
So what CAN we do?
Think about it, the thing we’ve been learning about here in the Einstein Factor, is all the ramifications of how the act of observation – the energy with which we observe something – changes what we are observing. So in the case of miasms in overwhelm, The answer is to notice, sink into and soak up the perfection of the way our body was designed and ADD to that.
And we do that by dropping into the Einstein Factor place in our brain – finding the heart of the paradox, the rightness of what’s really going on here, behind the wrongness of the di-stress, dis-ease, pain or symptoms.
We want to be able to let go the stress and tension that we’ve been storing in our body. We want to understand how to bring this amazing body of ours back into balance. We want to flow with that change and notice how we can ADD to the sheer beauty of the way our body works.
I’ve known people who have found that point of change so fast, it was called a miracle. And for others it’s been a process of finding peace in the process itself, in stages.
And no matter what is “wrong” with you or anyone else, someone in the world has already found their way to inner peace with that condition and found all the wondrous healing possibilities therein.