If we want a confident, happy, healthy horse, then we need to understand the process of fear and to understand THEIR fear, we first need to understand OURS. This is the stuff of effortlessly advanced horsemanship – part of what I call the “dummy spit anti-struggling revolution“. When we find an authentically peaceful place of understanding OUR OWN feelings, it flows effortlessly into understanding others – and that includes our horses.
How we deal with our fear and theirs, effects their health and the longevity of their life as well as the quality of their life. The health aspects of this are too big for one seminar – today we’re “just” talking about understanding fear and eliminating anxiety. I’m smiling to myself at the word “just” – I’ve been getting emails that have made me cry happy tears and I look forward to yours too. Enjoy the seminar, it’s unedited, with all the ums and ahhs and pauses that are needed as I support people to release their anxiety.
Theres written notes below the audio that you can follow while you’re listening. You can also download it to listen on a different device. There’s a point where we start doing a Quiet Mind to help people release some of their anxiety. If you’re driving a car when you come to the Quiet Mind experience, I’ll be reminding you to PLEASE pull over!
Click here if you need an alternate audio player
Fast Track is our flagship program that takes what you’ve learned here today and translates that into practical outcomes of confidence for you and for your horse too. There’s a link to that at the bottom of the page.
The Seminar Notes
What if I told you that even the most crippling fear and anxiety is a simple part of our Inner Guidance system that is actually DESIGNED to get us what we want?

What could life be like if that were actually true?

If that were true, you (or your loved one or whoever else it is that is suffering from anxiety) would be a bit like the butterfly in the picture I’m using for this seminar – one minute hidden away in that cocoon, and then the the next minute blossoming into that glorious winged creature.
You hear me ask the ” Is it true?” question a lot, because what I believe in, even what I know all the way to my bones, is of no use to you whatsoever when the crap hits the fan in your own life. MY truth can inspire you, but it’s YOUR Truth that will be a foundation rock underneath you to sustain you through anything that life throws at you.
So… Is it true that understanding what fear and anxiety are REALLY about, will transform anxiety sufferers into people confidently navigating their lives, in harmony with the universe?
Is it true that understanding our fear and anxiety and using them the way they were designed, eliminates vast amounts of struggle from our lives, that opens up exciting and infinite possibilities in front of us?
Is it true that when we understand our fear and anxiety, we can can use it to actually to get what we want or achieve what’s important to us AND at the same time enable us to make a difference in our world in exactly the way that we perfectly and uniquely want to?
I guess you’re going to find out!
Oh gosh I laughed when I read what I just wrote. I’m so passionate about this work, so excited at the stuff I see other people doing with it that I tend to use grand words. This is such big stuff with BIG possibilities. But even more importantly, it’s also the little stuff – the precious little things that make the day to day navigation of our lives sooo much easier and sooo much richer.
Fear and Anxiety as part of our Inner Guidance system
Understanding our Inner Guidance system and the way in which we uniquely experience it, is a key to being able to experience a lightness of spirit no matter what’s going on in our lives. It gives us the means to navigate life with ease and grace – understanding fear and how to get rid of anxiety is an important part of that.
Today we’re focusing on fear and anxiety.

Fear is a simple survival mechanism. It’s a message from the inside of us – from our own soul – about how to keep ourselves and others safe and when we’ve understood it – pffft it’s gone. It’s THAT simple. You’re going to see how fast that happens over and over again as we work with people today. If talking to me in public is not comfortable today, you’ll still get the opportunity to experience the releasing of a layer of fear or anxiety for yourself either during or as a result of the Quiet Mind that we’ll do as a group.

About this “We are all One” stuff. It doesn’t matter which way we think about it. Whether it’s that we’re all made of the same thing (carbon) and that’s what causes the connection between us or whether it’s about the commonality of the life force that’s in all people and animals and even in the earth herself. It doesn’t matter how we think of this “We are all One” stuff – whether it’s physically or spiritually – the FACT is that we all experience other people’s or animal’s feelings – in this case we’re talking about fear and anxiety – AS IF IT WERE OUR OWN – when there’s something to know or do, for or about them.
Because of this natural connection with everything else that shares life force, we feel others’ fear when there’s something to know or do for or about them.
You’re going to see when we start working with people later in the session, how big a deal this is and what an incredible GIFT it is once we know how to use it. It’s not a burden at all.

Fear is cumulative – each suppressed fear adding on to the next, intensifying the experience.
It doesn’t matter WHY we suppressed the fear. It could have been a childhood thing where we weren’t allowed to listen to our fear. It could have been an adult thing where we thought we had no choice or if we chose to ignore it. Whatever the reason, un-acted on fear gets buried in our bodies and when we next experience fear, it’s more intense. Even though it may be from childhood, it stays there, intensifying everything that comes afterwards, until something happens to release it.

Anxiety is all that accumulation of suppressed fear – just waiting to bite you on the butt the next time you’re afraid – causing the next fear to be more intense than it would have been otherwise.
You can MANAGE anxiety, you can SOOTHE it with coping behaviors, you can even drug it to shut it up – but have you noticed how it always comes back up again?
And it just doesn’t have to be like that.
Anxiety is just as easily fixed as fear is. Pffft! that’s the sound and the speed at which anxiety disappears when we understand a fear that we are experiencing. And please… I am not belittling anyone’s anxiety – I KNOW first hand how shitty and how crippling it can be. And it can take practice to get used to doing things differently. But you’ll see for yourself how fast anxiety can vanish when we get to practical part of this seminar.

Gosh this is SUCH a big deal and crops up over and over again. People think that because what they’re feeling is intense and the anxiety has been around for ages, that it HAS to be theirs – when nothing could be further from the truth. The intensity of our fear and anxiety doesn’t make it OUR feeling. The intensity comes from the suppression – from not listening and not acting – not from whose fear and anxiety it is.
The fears we buried way back when we were kids can still be there, making their contribution to the layers of intense anxiety. The feelings that we buried way back when we were kids – that weren’t ours even then – they too are contributing to anxiety now.
However strong the fear is, however strong the anxiety is, that DOESN’T MAKE IT OURS.
Just imagine how WONDERFUL it is when we can use this gift the way it was designed, not just for ourselves, but to understand what to know or do, for or about the people and animals around us that we care for?

So what can we do about it? Are we stuck with those old buried crappy feelings? No. Thank god and the universe, no.
No matter how bad those fears and anxieties are or were, no matter how traumatic the event that caused that layer of fear or terror, each and every one of those events that caused the fear that we buried, just dissolves away with the understanding. Sometimes the fear dissolves so thoroughly and the brain neural pathways are so changed, that people can’t even remember trauma.
There comes a time in our practice where there’s an ease and enjoyment in the listening itself, when we’ve developed a Comfort Zone around our Inner Guidance system.
What we DO about each feeling of fear and anxiety that comes up, is the easy part – we systematically listen to each of those feelings as it comes up, in the moment that it comes up. We observe it. We get curious about it. In that listening, that noticing, that curiosity about whose anxiety this might be and “Where did THAT come from and why am I experiencing this anxious feeling now?” then we understand its message and pffttt! that layer of anxiety is gone.
Yes it’s THAT simple – even the very old stuff just releases – and you’ll see that in the practical part of today.

Once we’re listening to our Inner Guidance system, fear and anxiety starts to feel quite different and we get the opportunity to listen to a much milder feeling that I call the EARLY warning signal that something is Not Quiet Right. When we take action on THAT, pffft! the feeling of Not Quite Right is gone and there is no escalation into fear. When we’ve been able to take action on each fear at the Not Quite Right stage, then there is no escalation into anxiety either.
The five ways in which we can FEEL fear in our bodies.
Rather than cover the same things in each seminar, I’m putting the Five Feels problem solving presentation below in case you haven’t seen it before. It’s about all the ways in which we uniquely experience the five ways of feeling.
For those who have seen it before, it’s here to remind you that you will experience fear and anxiety in ways other than emotional:
- You can experience what I’ll call the negative side of fear and anxiety physically as tension, aches and pains. It’s not really negative at all once you understand how to use it, but you’ll feel that for yourself later.
- You can experience fear and anxiety energetically as stuck, stagnant, lack of energy – even explosive energy in its extreme escalation.
- You can experience fear and anxiety mentally as worry or visions. This is where people can experience the PTSD flashbacks of visions from unresolved extreme fear.
- You can also experience fear and anxiety in various levels of anguish and despair.
You’ll hear on the audio that we did a Quiet Mind for people to experience relaxation and understanding some fears and anxieties and had then we had critical discussions working with individuals to make sure that everyone was complete.
What you were involved in today has been experiential learning
Experiential learning is the only way I know of that you can learn this unique Feel for others – whether that’s for horses or humans or anything else. You can be inspired by someone else’s skill, but you can’t copy someone else successfully – trying to copy someone is a recipe for failure and a source of that “I am not enough” crap.
All of our programs here involve learning the magic of Feel with experiential learning. Fast Track to Brilliant Riding is our flagship program that brings you the experience of knowing HOW to keep you and your horse being and feeling safe. You’ll experience confidence, a deep connection with and understanding of your horse and a riding seat that is so magnetic that it brings a whole new level of confidence all by itself!
Want more? Click on the heading below for more info
Fast Track – Effortless confidence
Today’s photo is one of Marie Richards lovely compositions. Check out her lovely portfolio on Instagram