How to use a pendulum
You can use a pendulum to check the amount of chia seeds (or anything else) to put into your horse’s feed. It’s a simple tool – not mysterious at all, as you’ll see in this 2 minute introductory video about how it works, why it works and how to get a simple yes/no answer.
This second video is a detailed example of how to use the pendulum, the right kind of questions to ask and a procedure to make sure that what you’re prescribing is effective.
Please only use your pendulum for things like the simple but incredibly powerful food herbs like I suggest in this video. I am passionate about food as medicine – the power of food and food herbs for maintaining or getting back to good health is enormous.
But there’s way too much to know, to risk prescribing other types of herbs or drugs for yourself or your horse. You can only get the answers from your subconscious that your subconscious knows.
So for safety reasons, those possibly dangerous decisions should be left for your doctor or naturopath.
One of my little known and not so promoted books is called “Emotional healing with a pendulum”. I always put it last, because I’m much more passionate about developing and using our inner awareness, because it leads us to inner peace and happiness. Having said that, if we need a bit extra while on that journey, a pendulum can be a useful thing!