One of the blessings of the way that we work here, is the possibility of healing – sometimes extraordinary healing – for both horse and rider, that happens with the simple release of emotional stress and tension.
And notice that I said “for both horse AND rider”.
With this Key I’ve seen horse’s backs improve in front of my eyes (you’ll see some before and after photos of Milly in The Ninth Key), I’ve supervised arthritis healing, chronic lameness and watched chronic muscular tension systematically drop away. This Key doesn’t fix everything, but it is a darned good place to start and sooo easy to do.
And don’t even get me started on the possibilities for the human, you don’t have enough time right now to hear it all, because this is another of the wonderful gifts that horses bring us. 🙂
Even inexperienced people can help their horses RELEASE the emotional and even the physical aspects of stress and tension that is stored in their body over time with this Key.
If you have any trouble with the audio player above, you can click here to listen to The Seventh Key to Happiness with Your Horse (There’s a written version of the audio below.)
Written Version of the Audio
You have no doubt already heard me talk about that we no longer have to practice, practice and more practice to get to be better riders and that the RELEASE, RE-LEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula of Fast Track to Brilliant Riding bypasses all of those years of practice and you get to spend your time with your horse having fun exploring new stuff together instead.
Well your horse is the other part of the “being a better rider” equation – that was a duh moment for me when I realized that my horse being a happy co-operative riding partner meant that they had to RELEASE the tensions from their body too and so there is a RELEASE, RELEARN and RE-PROGRAM formula for your horse too, to fast track them to being a brilliant riding partner.
And this Seventh Key is critical to the RELEASE stage of this formula for your horse.
The seventh key is about waiting for The Chew, no matter how long it takes.
Your horse licking and chewing is a signal of shared communication. They lick and chew when you get it – when you understand them. They lick and chew when THEY get it – when they understand you.
This validation is consistent across all types of horses, all over the world.
For the RELEASE stage of Fast Track, it’s about waiting for your horse to lick and chew no matter how long that takes and when you take however long it takes, they RELEASE that stress or tension forever… forever… Do you get how exciting this is?
At this RELEASE stage they’ll often do a big yawn as well as the lick and chew.
While they are processing in this RELEASE stage, they will often have a sleepy look on their face. You will notice small uncontrolled muscle movements, even tiny jerks of their body, their head may drop a little suddenly every now and again. If they were a sleeping person you would think that they were dreaming and maybe that’s kind of what’s happening as they let the tension go.
This time waiting for The Chew is the most valuable time you’ll ever spend with your horse. If they often take a while to chew, notice the changes that happen to their muscles, to their shape, to their entire body as they release that tension – it is extraordinary. Even physically and emotionally damaged horses will make phenomenal progress using this formula.
We have a whole section of the Fast Track program to systematically help you to help your horse to release THEIR emotional and physical tensions from their body and it’s no big deal to do it.
They can then carry you with strength and grace with a lovely, comfortable, soft rhythmic stride that is sooo much easier to ride – you are going to love how easy your horse is to ride when they don’t have emotional or physical tension.
This is actually WHY so many people have trouble with sitting trot for example – your horse is half the equation – if their steps are tense, then you have no hope of sitting there easily!
Wow that makes me feel so much better about my lousy sitting trot in the past!
While I’m waiting for The Chew, I personally don’t pat them, don’t feed them, or any way disturb the thinking and processing. I don’t even like to think about what I’m going to cook for dinner. I’ve found that just BEING with my horse in that deep quiet place, is the most effective thing to do. You could even take this opportunity to practice doing the connection exercise in the First Key while you are waiting for The Chew.
Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to notice that early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right, back off, take the pressure off, do whatever it takes until you and your horse feel good again – and wait for The Chew no matter how long it takes.
And notice what was happening just before that chew – notice what you were thinking just before your horse licked and chewed.
And I think you are going to be surprised at how much change you can achieve and how easily – because horses are MUCH smarter than most people think they are – WHEN they are not afraid.
Hit reply to one of my emails and tell me what you are getting with this – because I love to hear the stories of people beginning to share deliberate communication with their horse.
Tomorrow’s lesson is about natural Caretaker horses and how we can help any horse become a Caretaker too, so see you then.
A story from Lauren
I’m adding this little story about this Seventh Key from Lauren in Texas, that just came in today as I was doing some editing. She is only 10 lessons into our year long online program, Fast Track to Brilliant Riding…
Hi Jenny- I just had the most amazing experience with my mare, watching her release some deeply held energy. It was extraordinarily to witness!! I haven’t worked with her much and have just started to connect with her more using your guidance. (I normally work with Destin, my gelding)
I was touching her left ear and she didn’t like it. (She’s an adopted rescue – neglect/starvation situation. So many horses are ear twitched). So I softened and slowed down and just stroked the outside til her head dropped a little, then I stopped. Then I waited for the Chew. As I watched her face, I saw her lips tighten, nostril flatten, wrinkle around eyes – anger. She stopped blinking and stayed there for a minute or so. Then her face started to release, her head was bumping down a bit, and she blew out. I’m practicing quiet mind and taking deep breaths. Then her head goes up real high and her eye glazed over. Another minute passes and she comes back- eye lights up again- and head lowers. Starts blinking then looks over at me and touches my arm with her muzzle. THEN she offers me her other ear and scratches it on my hand. Wowowowowow. Blew my mind!! Amazing to witness!!! SO MUCH going on with her – and thanks to you, i gave her the space to process and release. Wow
Thought you’d like to know Humbled, Lauren.
Lovely work Lauren – what a gift to both of you…