The yin yang is an ancient Chinese symbol, first recorded in oracle bones in the 14th century BCE. That makes it at least 3,500 years old. There’s a whole philosophy around it, the simplest of which is that within the light is the seed of the dark and within the dark is the seed of the light and without one, the other could not exist.
I’ve had one of those ahhaaa expansive insights that tells me that the yin yang symbol is a picture of the brain. That line where the two halves meet – where we can access the integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain – has a kind of tautness, a powerful energy that brings us whatever it is that we need in the moment. It can be healing for ourselves, it brings us understanding of other/s as the necessary foundation for conflict resolution, it accesses a deep well of creativity that is connected to MUCH more than ourselves, it accesses a deep well of divine connection for solving even difficult problems – even seemingly insoluble problems.
In addition to these INTERNAL things, it brings into play around us, EXTERNAL changes – it can bring healing for others, in terms of conflict resolution, the changes in us bring a tendency towards balance to the other (BE the change that we want to see in the world), and external events line up to bring us what we want – i.e manifesting.
Our ability to access that energy, I’ve taken to calling the Einstein Factor.
When I went on the internet to find how old the yin yang symbol was, I found some philosophy texts that suggest I’m not the first one to get various aspects of that insight – not surprising since there’s 3,500 years of philosophical thought around it!
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