The audio files from Zen Connection with Horses are below
These files are designed to download to your phone or mp 3 player (instructions below). They’re interactive lessons to take out to your horse – to actually listen to – and do them when you are out with your horse.
I also have a written version of the audios, for the seriously technologically challenged. 🙂 Just email me on and I’ll email them back to you.
Important note:
We’ve changed and grown over the many years since I wrote Zen Connection with Horses (as you do when you work with horses). These days, we help people to develop an inner awareness that bypasses the meditation connection with your horse that you’ll find in Audio Lesson 1 below. However, the more formal way of connecting with your horse that’s in these audios will still suit some people, so I have decided to leave it here.
Want to download these lessons to your phone or other listening device? Right mouse click to bring up the drop down menu, click on “save link as” or “save target as” and hit save in the box that comes up. Then you’ll find it in your downloads file. We have cheerful assistance from our community for the technologically challenged. 🙂
Other ways to experience the connection to your horse:
We did the Key to the Kingdom of Horses videos to show people what was possible when you’re using the FEEL for your horse. FEEL is what you’ll start developing when you do the lessons in the Zen Connection audios below. The videos are about someone using their FEEL to connect with their traumatized wild horse and they show you the very practical results that you can get even in dire circumstances. There’s a normality to your everyday connection and Feel for your horse, that always seems to surprise people that such an awesome talent really IS inside of them.
FEEL is the key to the kingdom of horses.
The Zen Connection with Horses audios
Meditation connection with your horse
Lesson 1 The energy bubble connection
Lesson 2 Is about developing the early warning signal that I call Not Quite Right, while you walking up to your horse – but not JUST walking up to your horse. It is about your horse being absolutely and deeply in their comfort zone while you walk up to them and about releasing any resistance or old trauma that may exist even way back in their history.
Zen Connection Lesson 2 – Part 1
Zen Connection Lesson 2 – Part 2
Lesson 3 Is about further developing your early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right, while developing your horse to actively enjoy your touch while you rub them all over their body. We are looking for a horse who finds the touch totally comfortable.
Lesson 4 Is about further developing your early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right, while you help oyur horse find a deep sense of comfort in being moved around by you at liberty. You are also looking to identify and release any old trauma around them being asked to get moving and then in actually moving for a human that may exist way back in their history. And some of you are going to be surprised at how much trauma there is in this.
Zen Connection lesson 4 Part 1
Zen Connection lesson 4 Part 2
Lesson 5 Once your horse is comfortable moving forward at all, we’re looking for you to be able to speed your horse up into the next gait at liberty and have that be in their comfort zone too. You will find yourself getting more and comfortable about noticing and taking action on the early warning signal that I call Not Quite Right.
Lesson 6 Once speeding up is also happening consistently, you can start exploring change of direction in your horses comfort zone – again refining your feeling that something is Not Quite Right and getting in the habit of taking action on that.
Lesson 7 Is about getting the halter on your horse IN THEIR COMFORT ZONE. And this will be a much bigger deal than most of you realize. We will be looking for you to identify and release any resistance or trauma that has been involved in the process of haltering and in my experience, many horses have experienced trauma back in their history around being haltered. Remember that each old fear or trauma adds on to and intensifies the next fear.
Lesson 8 Is about helping your horse to understand the soft feel of a gentle “ask” in the halter. We are also looking to identify and release any resistance or misunderstanding or trauma that has been involved in moving with the “ask” of the halter back in their old history.
Zen Connection Lesson 8 – Part 1
Zen Connection Lesson 8 – Part 2
Lesson 9 Is about where to from here.