Kick back in your chair and listen to each of the first 7 Chapters of Zen Connection with Horses.
Or you can download them to your mobile device by right mouse clicking on “download” to bring up a selection of options, then clicking “save target as” or “save link as” or whatever saving option that your computer gives you and then save.
For those not used to downloading things – you will find them in your Download file under Zen Connection. Then you can copy and paste the files into your mobile device.
I was only saying to the other staff earlier today, that I very much enjoyed reading the book aloud like this and although it was written 7 years ago from the time of recording this audio, it is still very much the foundation for what we do here – a foundation that enables us to take a philosophy and desire to be very good with horses and yet be very gentle with these amazingly wonderful beings.
This foundation enables us to turn our philosophy of well-being for horse and rider, into practical outcomes and excellent results for both people and horses. Enjoy!
Zen Connection audio Introduction.
Zen Connection audio Chapter 2
Zen Connection audio Chapter 3
Zen Connection audio Chapter 4
Zen Connection audio Chapter 5
Zen Connection audio Chapter 6
Zen Connection audio Chapter 7