Welcome to Day 13
I often talk about there being no such thing as a problem – that every so called “problem” is just an opportunity to get a deeper bond with our horse. And that’s because every “problem” with our horse that we solve with peacefulness and happiness for both of us, increases our horse’s confidence in us and deepens the bond with our horse.
Do you get how big that is? Every “problem” that we solve with peacefulness and happiness for both you and your horse, INCREASES our horse’s confidence in us and deepens the bond with our horse. This is horse soul mate stuff.
AND these skills, knowhow and depth of connection to your horse as you solve a problem may be EXACTLY the skills, knowhow and depth of connection to your horse that will help you reach your horse dream – or even a life dream.
There’s an Introduction audio today so be sure to listen to it before you do the Meditation.
Keys to Success
1. Be kind to yourself today and always – right now while you’re reading this, pause and with your soft ahhh eyes say to yourself “I will be kind to myself today and always”.
2. You can go into this meditation with a “problem” already on your mind or an issue can come to your attention while we work.
3. The power of good posture. Sit in good posture in your chair whilst you listen to today’s meditation – good posture can become another way of accessing a Quiet Mind. Your posture can also improve as you get insights from your meditation, so sitting upright in a good chair can create an opportunity for you to notice that.
4. Perhaps the biggest key to success of all, in every meditation, is allowing the feelings to flow – and the confidence that comes from knowing that with the FLOW of the feelings, comes the understanding and wisdom from your soul – knowing that with every insight, you feel more and more Lightness of Spirit – so you really can afford to allow those feelings to flow. And then…
5. Soak up and appreciate every moment of feeling good because THAT is what anchors your new level of Lightness of Spirit into normal.
6. Even if your insights are coming over the next day or so, you should still feel relaxed and complete at the end of the Meditation – so contact me if you feel like you need extra support.
(Having trouble playing the audio? Click here)
Meditation Day 13
(Having trouble playing the audio? Click here)
The mantra sung by Deva Premal and Miten in this meditation is:
Om Asatoma – take us from the false to the truth, from darkness to light. Here are the words of the mantra for those who may like to join in:
Om asatomo satgamaya
Tamasoma jyotir gamaya
Mrityorma amritamgamaya
Written Version of the Introduction
I often talk about there being no such thing as a problem – that every so called “problem” is just an opportunity to get a deeper bond with our horse. And that’s because every “problem” with our horse that we solve with peacefulness and happiness for both of us, increases our horse’s confidence in us and deepens the bond with our horse.
Creative problem solving involves seeing beyond whatever is going on, to the big picture BEHIND the problem. It involves a willingness on our part to look beyond the biting or the resistance or your horse behaving like “I don’t want to do that” or “I don’t like that” or a persistent injury or whatever – to find out what’s REALLY going on – so that we can eliminate the problem at the REAL source.
I was going to say that it involves having an attitude of no blame or judgement while you’re doing that, but on reflection, my “no blame” attitude has come from solving problems and time after time after time, discovering that the problem was not what I thought it was – that there WAS something going on behind it and that there really WAS no blame attached to it. So my own attitude has come from the experience of that. I was not one of those super gentle and loving people who automatically think like that.
When we work with our horse in a Quiet Mind space like we’ve been developing over this program – when we are working and aware of our connection to them – then the answers to problems will very often just flow in the moment and that is as it should be. It’s a practice thing, the more we’re open to problem solving from a Quiet Mind as we work with our horse, the easier it gets to figure out what’s going on straight away.
Sometimes though, things need a deeper Quiet Mind than we have with our horse on a particular day and we can do a more formal problem solving meditation to access our deep Inner Wisdom.
So that’s what we’re doing in today’s meditation, giving you a structure to access the Wisdom that is inside all of us, the Wisdom that is inside you, me and everyone else, the wisdom that comes from understanding our connection to our horse, the Wisdom to solve just about any problem that you have.
Written Version of our Day 13 Meditation
Taking your attention to your outward breath, being aware of the movement of the bottom of your ribs and the pause at the bottom of your out breath that may or may not be there right now. Feeling the expansiveness of your ribs just opening all by themselves and the perfect amount of air just flowing in and the perfect amount of air being held in your lungs.
Listening for your heartbeat… Feeling the prickles of energy in your hands and feet and the flow of energy that may be rippling around your body… Feeling any physical feelings that you might be experiencing, maybe the movement of your spine and other parts of your body as you breath… Noticing and allowing yourself to feel any emotions, knowing that allowing that feeling brings understanding and brings forth the wisdom of your soul… Noticing and allowing any thoughts and ideas and images to flow across your mind, no matter what the thoughts are – just allowing them to flow, flowing all the way to gold at the bottom of them.
Notice how much easier it is to drop into a Quiet Mind today, that practice is making this easier and easier and just taking a moment to soak that up and appreciate it.
Notice how soft your eyes are today and take a moment to soak that up and appreciate that too.
If you have a problem on your mind already, then let’s decide right now, that we want to understand the Big Picture behind this problem, we want to understand what’s REALLY going on.
Say that to yourself. “I decide to see the Big Picture behind…” whatever that is… And “I decide to allow the understanding of the answers to flow – whether they flow right now in this meditation or whether we need more information and the answers will flow in the next day or so – I will be open to noticing and understanding those answers and allowing them to flow”.
And as you listen to the beautiful Om Asatoma mantra of Deva and Miten, which is taking us from the false to the truth and from darkness to light, allow yourself to see and understand the Big Picture of whatever is behind this problem and allow the understanding of those answers to flow.
Pay gentle attention to your outward breath throughout this mantra, with your soft, ahhh eyes allowing the understanding to flow, feeling your heart beat and energy flowing around your body, noticing any physical feelings in your body, or thoughts and ideas or images to just flow across your mind, just observing the patterns of them if that feels good, allowing the feelings to flow – knowing that with the FLOW of the feelings comes the understanding and wisdom from your soul.
Soft ahhh eyes, allowing the understanding and the Wisdom to flow.
At every moment of feeling good during this mantra, allow your attention to wander over your body and notice everything about how good it feels – soak it up and appreciate it and make those good feelings the new you.
…Listening to Deva Premal and Miten singing the Om Asatoma…
So… feeling your feet on the floor or the ground, feel your toes, flex your feet and feel the floor – really give your feet a wriggle and feel into the ground. Have a stretch and take this willingness to understand the big picture behind the problem and the relaxation and quieter mind that comes from this, into the rest of your day.
Lesson Resources
Introduction |
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Meditation |
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Download transcript (PDF) | Right click (PC) or Cmd click (Mac) here and Save |
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Up Next
Tomorrow we’ll take our deeper Quiet Mind and Inner Awareness out to our horse with the intention of solving a “problem” with them which will have us deepening the bond we share.