Welcome to Day 19
Welcome to our final 3 days in our 21 Day journey to a Quiet Mind.
Today’s meditation is about experiencing the power and beauty and deep feeling of appreciating everything your horse IS – appreciating EVERYTHING about them – with a big expansion into a new level of Lightness of Spirit.
The Keys to Success are especially important today, so please check them out before your meditation.
Keys to Success
1. You’ll notice at one point in today’s meditation that I say “With every breath that feels good, deepen and expand that awareness” – you have probably been doing a lot of healing over this program and it may or may not be time to expand your awareness. If it doesn’t feel good to think about expanding your awareness, then smile, do the rest of the meditation about appreciating your horse and expand your awareness another time.
2. We know about the power of intention now, so before this meditation, decide to allow the beautiful, deep feeling of appreciation to flow into your life today. Right now as you are reading this, smile with your soft allowing, ahhh eyes and decide to allow the feelings of appreciation to flow.
3. If you have multiple horses, I suggest that you only think about one horse during this meditation and then repeat the meditation at other times to expand that feeling to the others, one by one. We really want to be feeling every little bit of the power and beauty of appreciation during the connection to each individual.
4. When you’ve done this with your horses, you may at some time like to repeat the meditation of appreciation for the people in your life as well.
5. As always, contact me if you feel anything less than relaxed and complete after today’s meditation.
Meditation Day 19
(Having trouble playing the audio? Click here)
In today’s meditation, the mantra from Deva Premal and Miten is Shree Ram Jai Ram. There are many meanings for this mantra – I like this one:
May the Lord as Light and virtue that dwells in my heart be victorious over all (internal and external) obstacles and difficulty. May the positive and transforming vision of the Divine in my heart lead to the fulfillment of divine will.
Here are the words if you’d like to join in:
Shree ram jai ram
Jai jai ram om
Shree ram jai ram
Jai jai ram om
Written Version of our Day 19 Meditation
Today’s meditation is about experiencing the power and the beauty of appreciation.
Take your smiling ahhh eyes to listen inside yourself to that feeling of Inner Awareness that you’ve been developing so well in these last weeks.
Just feel inside yourself.
Feel how quickly today you have dropped into your Inner Awareness and allow your attention to wander over your body and appreciate that for a moment. There are many levels of Inner Awareness and the one you just dropped into is one of them. And it’s one that you can take out to your horse really easily.
Deepen that Inner Awareness by paying attention to your outward breath… to your heartbeat… to the feeling of your ribs and spine moving with your breath… to the flow of your emotions… and the energy tingling and flowing around your body… smiling at the thoughts and ideas and images that float across your mind…
Allow the awareness of ALL your feelings to flow.
With every breath that feels good, deepen and expand that awareness.
Deepen and expand…
Deepen and expand…
In this beautiful space of expanded awareness, we’re going to appreciate our horse.
Allow your attention to keep wandering over your body as you expand your appreciation of your horse, one at a time if we have more than one of them. Feel how good it feels to appreciate your horse. Keep smiling and allowing THESE feelings to flow as well.
And as you listen to today’s mantra from Deva and Miten, soften your eyes and smile at every rush of feeling and allow those feelings to flow – all the way to the beautiful understanding at the bottom of them.
{ Listen to Deva Premal and Miten with Shree Ram Jai Ram. There are many meanings for this mantra – I like this one:
May the Lord as Light and virtue that dwells in my heart be victorious over all (internal and external) obstacles and difficulty. May the positive and transforming vision of the Divine in my heart lead to the fulfillment of divine will. Here are the words if you’d like to join in:
Shree ram jai ram
Jai jai ram om
Shree ram jai ram
Jai jai ram om }
So… feeling your feet on the floor or the ground, feel your toes, flex your feet and really feel the floor, give your feet a wriggle and really feel into the ground. Have a stretch and take this appreciation out into the rest of your day.
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Up Next
Tomorrow we’ll be using the power of the presence of our horse to expand the lovely feelings of this appreciation even further into what can be a life changing experience. I’ll look forwards to hearing about it in the months ahead!