A healing crisis is a wonderful thing when it’s happening to someone else!
In the healing industry we call it a healing crisis when our bodies are rapidly healing and it’s uncomfortable – sometimes even painful. Picture my wry laughter at that heading “A healing crisis is a wonderful thing when it’s happening to someone else.” I’ve often cheered when a client has been in a healing crisis but I’m prompted to write this blog today because I am myself experiencing a healing crisis and it’s freaking painful.
The one thing we do not want to do is to stop the healing while we deal with the symptoms of a healing crisis. For example, I do not want to stop my body from laying in new bone while I deal with the pain. I do not want to stop my body getting rid of toxins via nose mucous or diarrhoea or eliminate a temperature that’s killing a virus or bacteria – although I may well want to make any of those an easier process if they’re too uncomfortable or in the danger zone.
I do not want to stop my horse’s foot from building pus to get rid of something that needs expelling. I’ve got an article about that called “It’s the same flaming foot abscess” that has a bigger explanation of that. (I’ve already put a lot of links in this article, just pop those words in “search this site” at the bottom of the sidebar.)
It IS possible to balance a healing crisis so it goes more easily – cleaning up our old emotional crap and examining our beliefs around are both powerful things to do. Maybe we need something for the healing to happen easier, like a food herb or a mineral just as an example – there’s all kinds of ways to balance a healing crisis.
Why am I talking about this?
I caught myself hobbling up the steps at the horse feed store a couple of months ago, having a mini tantrum, saying “I wish I knew someone as good as me to fix this effing knee.” Because healing my knee has been up and down like a yo yo for years and yet I can’t tell you how many of my arthritis clients have experienced so-called miracles. So I KNOW it can be done.
A couple of examples stand out. Very early in my career, there was a lady with clawed hands who, after maybe 5 or six sessions over a year and a half – pooof her fingers just opened on the healing table and that arthritis was gone. There was a lady in her seventies with sudden onset arthritis who arrived hobbling, walked out straight and walked the big Anzac Day march the following week. There’s Kristina our much loved working student, who had rheumatoid arthritis from a young age and recovered while she was here. I put a link to her blog below.
There have been horses recovered, too many to count – some worked with by distance through the Fast Track program, some of them treated in person – including the first one, my own precious Carlos. I had actually called the vet to come and put him down he was in so much pain and arranged it for after the weekend so I could say goodbye. Over the weekend someone told me about a Bowen muscle therapy clinic coming up next week. I rang the vet and cancelled, saying “I’ve got one more thing to try”.
That “one more thing” was the beginning of my healing journey. The Bowen released him from the agony of the trapped nerve and he was a comfortable retired companion for my new horse Bobby. Then I came across kinesiology and if I remember rightly it was about 6 or 7 healing sessions over about 18 months later I brought Carlos out of retirement. He was the first horse I ever danced with. That still makes me smile all these years later.
These days we know that healing of arthritis is a lot simpler than the way I used to do it.
Back to my tantrum at the feed store
And … tantrum again… I wanted a freaking miracle for myself too!
Then I realized how ridiculous I was being. All my work is about empowering people to tap into the healing ability that is automatically within everybody – to help them remove the blockages to their own innate ability to heal the way they were designed. That’s what makes this work so powerful, when people understand just what they’re really capable of and they take that skill into the future. So why wasn’t I fixing myself?
Ahhh that’s the big question hey.
One answer is that when I did my training we were told that it was less effective to work on ourselves, that we couldn’t be objective when we were working on ourselves. That belief had been tickling away in the background, unconsciously getting in my way. There’s other beliefs that have been blocking my body’s ability to heal too.
Beliefs have been a big focus in this part of my life journey. I’ve come to understand that VAST amounts of what we believe is not true, but that it’s not wrong to have untrue beliefs. Hmmm that sounds like a contradiction but it’s not. Let me explain…
True or untrue beliefs are both perfect UNTIL they start getting in the way of what we want. It’s part of our life experience to have untrue beliefs. Untrue doesn’t mean “bad”.
Our beliefs govern the way our life unfolds. True or untrue beliefs, it doesn’t matter. If I believe that it’s ineffective to work on healing myself, then I’m going to be ineffective at healing myself and I will attract circumstances that will validate that belief. It doesn’t matter that after a lifetime in the healing industry that intellectually I know healing ourselves is how healing actually happens, it doesn’t matter that I know that ALL healing happens when the person heals themselves – believing what I was told all those years ago about being ineffective ticked away in the subconscious and set up a conflict that got in the way of my healing “holding”.
So how can we change a belief that’s getting in our way?
Well we could do umpteen years of therapy, but that would take too long for my knee.
Or we could deliberately and thoughtfully and with curiosity ask ourselves “Is that really true?” So I have gone inwards and deliberately asked myself “Is it true or not that I am capable of being effective with my own healing?”
I’ve made a radical decision
I’ve made a radical decision. I’m going to do this healing journey in public, sharing what I’m doing, probably with frequent short videos on Instagram. So watch this space for when I announce it. I KNOW healing can be effortless. I KNOW that a healthy weight is part of that healing and that too will be effortless when my focus is on healing.
I’m off now to find some curiosity and gratitude for the rapid healing of my healing crisis, because while I deal with the pain of it, I sure as heck don’t want to stop it from happening.
If you’re looking for some healing
Here’s a gift of knowledge and healing to help you along your way too.
Powerful Healing – a seminar
Today’s photo: There were no photos of Carlos on my computer, but there was this lovely old photo of a young Bobby and I at Nar Nar Goon Pony Club back in errr 1997 I think?

Some arthritis articles:
Why your vet thinks arthritis in horses is incurable
My very first podcast! Maude & Rambo joy and arthritis
Kristina – crippling arthritis healed
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