Oh mannn… some of my experiences surprised the heck out of me. I LOVE when the local grapes are ripe and organic grapes are my very favorite fruit. So when I spied them in our local organic shop I put a big bunch in the basket. The trouble was, they tasted like absolute crap. There was nothing wrong with the grapes (hubby checked them out for me) they just were a big, fat NO in that moment, so they tasted crappy. Another time, I craved some of this pear cider made with a touch of sugar AND craved some coconut oil floating on it and the taste of it popped in my mouth with delight.
My point is, this reset has been about getting to this glorious point of never having to diet again – listening and allowing OUR OWN bodies to tell us what’s right for us and what’s not – at any given moment.
HOW you go about exploring what’s right for you and what isn’t, is up to you and how you experience your own body, but here’s some of the things that worked for me:
If you feel crappy AFTER eating something, then pause and feel into that feeling and allow it to guide you to know what to do differently next time.
There’s another way to get that guidance of what to do differently next time and that’s simply to make a conscious decision that you want to know what to do differently next time. That sounds incredibly simple and it IS simple. It’s also a very powerful thing to do. You can literally pause… feel into that crappy feeling that you get after eating something that’s not right for you… and think to yourself “Hmmm… what is it that made me feel this crappy?” And then get on with your day, knowing the answer will pop into your mind effortlessly at some point. Yes it really IS that simple.
If you want more food – feel into WHAT it is that you want, because it’s quite likely not how oyu will have experienced that in the past. After my reset, when I wanted more, it was often because I wanted more fat. I was training my body to burn fat and needed to put fat in, to do that. One of my favorite tricks when that happens is to put a little dab of coconut oil into my coffee or herbal tea.
You could smell your food. As you smell, you could get curious about whether this is right for you in this moment or not.
You could taste your food – I found I was savoring my food differently, actually holding it in my mouth and allowing the taste buds to feed back to the rest of me. I wasn’t doing it on purpose, it just started happening. And when I noticed it happening, I paused and appreciated the heck out of it.
You could chew your food properly. Again, I wasn’t doing that on purpose – I noticed I was chewing differently, slower, more thoroughly, even swallowing differently and doing all that on auto pilot. When I noticed what was happening, I paused and appreciated the heck out of it.
Why all this appreciating the heck out of every lovely step?
Because that helps us cement each lovely feedback that our body gives us, as our new normal.
And we soak up that appreciation. When we pause and allow our attention to wander over our body and notice ALL the yumminess that we experience when we appreciate something enjoyable, then it escalates our enjoyment and anchors that enjoyment into what’s normal for us from now on.
That’s a VERY big deal that I just slipped in with a few words. When we allow ourselves to notice ALL the yumminess that we experience when we appreciate something enjoyable, then each experience of enjoyment adds on to the next, escalating it – AND anchors that enjoyment into our new experience of what’s normal for us.
Have fun because you can’t stuff it up.
Enjoy this next part of exploring after your reset and what enjoying food feels like – finding out what works for you and what doesn’t, what feels vibrant and glowing from the inside and what pulls you out of that feeling. And when it feels crappy, it’s just like any other mistake – you change it, learn from it and grow from it.
ENJOY your mistakes, because every single one of them will bring a gift of deeper knowing.
FEEL into every choice that resulted in feeling crappy with the intention of understanding WHY you feel crappy and what’s really going on here.
You can’t stuff this up.
At the very worst you just reset for a day or three.
And above all…
Don’t forget to tell me all about your Body Stuff experience. Email me.
Read on…
Click here for some videos of me stuffing it up and enjoying the process.