We got into weight problems or body disconnects by paying far too much attention to what other people said, thought, believed and wrote about. It affected our belief systems and our beliefs and our bodies were adversely affected by that.
Contrary to what it looks like, this is not a diet. It’s a two week RE-SET – reconnecting your brain and your body so that the signals get through and you can understand them. From that point on, you’ll get to explore and feel for yourself what’s right for you and what’s not – you’ll be effortlessly drawn to what’s good for YOU because it will taste yummy and when it’s not right for you personally, or not right for you in that moment – you either won’t want it, or it will taste blech. This photo is my idea of “blech!”
I’ve noticed that there’s also some foods that aren’t popping in my mouth that are kind of neutral. I’m curious about that, but haven’t figured out what that means for me yet.
This food re-set is about changing our bodies from burning sugar to burning fat. In order to reset the mind and body re-connection, there are no sugar substitutes allowed – not even natural ones like honey, because they interfere with the reset. Please note: This is not Keto – keto is just another unsustainable diet and sure as heck your skin doesn’t shrink and you don’t look younger on keto, this is a brain-body RESET from which you will emerge back in your own power around food.
Eat as much food from the YES list as you want.
Load up, eat big, don’t go hungry and before you groan, check out the ideas I came up with for meals that is just two more clicks away. For me it was about the third day that my body started to give me some signals again. I remember I’d had a lovely lunch out with my daughter and her friends and I actually felt angry at the idea of cooking dinner that evening – what the heck? I ate a few walnuts wrapped in lovely sweet, nutty Jarlsberg cheese and hubby had to fend for himself.
If you want this, own it
And don’t bother arguing about what’s on the no list – if you want this reconnected, vibrant, looking younger, less wrinkles, feeling freaking amazing – then just do it. You’ll need to make up your own mind whether it’s worth a mere TWO WEEKS. I’m going to give you some of my favorite recipe adaptations that I used in that first two weeks, because I love good food even if I don’t like spending a lot of time in the kitchen. But this is important – it won’t be a recipe list to follow, it’s just to give you inspiration to adapt your own recipes and your own likes and dislikes. This is about YOUR power.
YES Foods for the two week brain-body re-set
YES foods are all low sugar unprocessed foods
Squash which includes things like zucchini and pumpkin
Leafy greens
Lemon and Lime
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Tree Nuts (and nut butters)
Turkey / chicken
Lamb / Pork
Unprocessed Hard Cheeses – parmesan
Unprocessed Soft Cheeses – jarlsberg and brie are OK
Creams – Full fat sour cream, ordinary cream, butter, ghee, coconut cream (yeah I noticed that’s not dairy too.)
Vegetable juice
Coffee or tea
Pure, distilled spirits
Carbonated water
Dry red wines
NO foods for the two week brain-body reset
All sugar products
Sweets and desserts
All non-caloric sweeteners (natural and non-natural)
Many canned and prepared veggies – no hummus, no tofu
Energy/protein bars with added sugar
Ketchup and other sauces
Refined flour or anything made from refined flour
Bread, not whole grain, gluten free or any other kind of bread
Whole grain pasta
Corn / Rice / Oats
Potatoes which includes all potato types including sweet potato.
Sweet citrus
Energy or protein bars with or without added sugar
Processed meats
Many canned and prepared meats.
Smoked products which so often contain sugar
Half and Half
Full-fat yoghurt
Processed cheeses
Dry white wines
Fruit Juice
Carrot Juice
All soda
All diet drinks
“Enhanced” Beverages – kombucha comes under this heading too, given that it’s originally based on sugar and may still contain some.
Sports drinks
- This YES / NO list is from Phil Maffetone’s rehabilitation for marathon runners and other athletes (although I’ve added things from answering questions that people have come up with.)
- And the brilliant book for ‘barefoot’ marathon runners “Born to Run 2” by Christopher McDougall and Eric Orton.
Read On…
Click here for Ditch the diet mentality.
And from that page, onto “How I managed to thrive in those first two weeks.