What if the left and right of politics was replaced by the politics of Inclusion?
The left and right of politics, by its very definition is set up to be divisive and full of conflict and resistance to each other. It’s about winning and losing, power and powerlessness – so why are we so surprised that people end up having contempt for, anger with, or even hating each other?
I burst into tears this morning when I read what what seemed to be a lovely message about being proud to be Australian… until it got to the divisive hate speech towards the other end of the political spectrum at the end of it.
I’m grateful for the upset because these ideas about the politics of inclusion flowed from it.
Here’s the thing
What if politics didn’t have to be about power over others? What if politics wasn’t about left vs right, bosses vs workers, big corporations vs small business.
What if politics was about finding non conflict answers to the issues of the world where it’s not working – some of which have been specially laid bare by this pandemic? I don’t need to list them, because it would be a drab, ugly world, if you didn’t all have your own passions and points of view and priorities.
“Compromise” is a dirty word to me. It implies in its definition that each party be prepared to give up something to find an answer. In my experience, it’s not necessary for anyone to give up anything to find an answer that feels expansive and right and even joyful.
There is ALWAYS a non conflict answer. There is ALWAYS what I call The Third Way. And it starts with a willingness to find it.
Just read that last bit again, because it’s the key to everything.
Finding a non-conflict answer to any “problem” starts with a WILLINGNESS to look for a non-conflict solution.
Just imagine… just IMAGINE… if all that time and brainpower that’s spent on opposing each other, opposing the other political party on auto pilot (how often have we seen the ridiculousness of THAT in action?) – just imagine if all that energy was spent on problem solving instead?
What’s it going to take, to have that happen?
Today’s photo made me laugh. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – it’s probably a duck. Let’s see what you make of my train of thought there lol!
Isn’t it gorgeous that horses with their huge hearts have led us to the possibility of non conflict solutions to EVERYTHING?
And here’s to a brave new world!
Karin says
Well said Jenny and so true. You only need to replace the word ‘pandemic’ with ‘referendum’ and it applies as well. Politics here today are a very, very sad and shameful affair. More so since those same people expect their children to behave in school and elsewhere….. on and on it goes.
jennyp says
Gosh Karin, that was aptly pulled out of the back of the blog! Well done you!