Real communication - from heart to heart - always feels good hey? So why were they so surprised at how RELAXING it was to open up to …
Other animals
I am training a house fly
I can almost feel the eye rolling from here! A while back, I read the very lovely book Kinship with All Life, where J. Allen Boone talked …
Where will we be when the last wild elephant dies?
Susannah Cord is hoping that her new project Katika Nuru - Calling Me Home will contribute to changing the very real probability …
Elephants mourn their dead human friend
Author and legendary conservationist Lawrence Anthony died March 2. His family tells of a solemn procession of Elephants that …
Flying foxes prove the power of homeopathic medicine
Sandra, one of the members in our spiritual course, has had a spectacular success with homeopathic medicine and her flying foxes in a …
I nearly wet my knickers – a wow chicken story!
You know all this wonderful horse stuff that we do with horses? Well, it works with chickens too! And wow! You'll hear me referring to …
Helping Sammy go home…
Sammy was a chest thrust out, giant of a dog in a miniature fox terrier’s body. He spent his weekends out in the shed with his Dad, …