Whether you're on line or live in one of the rare clinics here, I like to ask people what they would like to get from their clinic, because …
Student Spotlight
Couldn’t pick her horse’s feet up – solved.
Kim was a recent Fast track student when she wrote in with a success story about using Feel to help two of her horses who were …
Not a maniac any more
The lunging was so bad Nareena was often not game to get on. “Sabbi was a maniac on the lunge. She was bucking and rearing, …
Couldn’t catch him, rearing at the saddle
This is another article that I found in the back end of the old website. I still remember this little pony vividly. Oh man... he was NOT …
Another dangerous biter solved
Galiano came into his clinic with a brooding sense of menace as a confirmed and dangerous biter. They said they had kept him because he was …
Healing her horse’s old back injuries
You can very often RIDE your horse to wellness - in fact for some injuries, it's difficult to do any other way and takes this special kind …
A very bad biting problem solved
This is another article that I found in the back end of the website when I revamped it. I have a strong affection for Monty, pictured …
Student spotlight on a troubled horse
Debbie had to do things a lot differently before she got the spectacular breakthrough she was looking for with this troubled horse. I’ve …
Before you sell that horse
Sue wants to share Mr Pete's story in the hope that it will save someone else from the heartbreak of thinking that they need to "get rid of …
Using our imagination for or against the horse?
I am astounded at how imaginative humans can be in in making a horse bend to their will. Are we going to use our imagination to support …