Feel for your horse is EVERYthing and the key to a whole new level of skill.
That feeling of security and safety that comes from knowing they’re being heard with FEEL, is like putting a shine of happiness over everything. Our ability to understand them, to just flow, knowing “what to do” that’s best for them and best for us in any given situation, no matter what their behavior or what the situation – our ability to solve any problem or reach any dream – THAT’s Feel.
FEEL for our horse is at the heart of all of that.
And yes it takes practice and yes it starts HERE.
I’ve come up with a mini-clinic to get you started or to go deeper.

Clinic details:
2 sessions with a couple of simple tasks for you to practice your skill in between.
1st session 6.00pm Monday 11th December Melbourne time
2nd session Sunday 14th January 7am Melbourne time
3rd session as a make up session for those who miss one of the other sessions, on a date and time that suits.
Every person on the clinic will get some one on one time with me personally, to identify the way that YOU uniquely Feel for your horse and get you started on this … gosh it’s hard to find the right words… to get you started on this glorious journey to a soul connection with your horse.
$80 AUD is the total for BOTH sessions. Grab it now, then run to your horse and tell them what you’ve done. Have your tissues handy because I want to know what happens!
And don’t forget our ability to turn every problem into the skills, knowhow and soul connection to our horse that makes our dreams possible with Fast Track:
The Fast Track to Brilliant Riding
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