
At the last live clinic, Solnar arrived stiff, looking arthritic and with what looked like a bit of sidebone – windsucking and weaving from side to side with stress and tension and upset. He made some spectacular relaxation changes quite early in the 8 days of the Horse Retreat, even finding lovely self carriage in his saddle work. Click here for the report on that clinic.
Since I wrote this blog a couple of days ago, I have caught up with two other people from the clinic, who have also made head shakingly awesome progress, that I am also busting to tell you about. See the end of this article.
I’ve just had a lovely, lovely text from Susie, that says:
” I just couldn’t wait to tell you, I’m on such a HIGH!!!!! (Her capitals) Best arena work today with Sol. Oh my, he’s a different horse and the only thing I can put it down to is the healing from your retreat. (Many smiling faces and hearts on the text.)
So soft, so forward, so bouncy!!!! NO stiffness, soreness, resistance gone. Yippeeeee!
Me: Now THAT’s a big deal because this horse had some serious and very uncomfortable muscle and bone issues going on. When you help a horse to release old trauma and deal with emotional stress, the most extraordinary healing can start to happen and clearly that’s what’s happened here. Susie has built on the lovely breakthroughs that she made in the clinic and it’s showing in Solnar’s healing of his body.
Back to Susie: His canter – which I usually avoid as he struggled so much- well he nearly sprung me out of the saddle I could hardly sit to it. More smiley faces and a woohooo!!!! Will have to try and get some footage.
It was only the third ride back in the arena since coming back and improving each time.
See the comment section below, where Susie has given another update over a year later.
Back to me:
Top job Suze and high five! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Meanwhile, today I caught up with Francis who had the artificial knee a week before the clinic and she was expecting to have her first ride on a horse today – that’s 2 months and 1 week after an artificial knee and she’s still moving well.
Also on our monthly live seminar for students, Sue from the mountain country in New South Wales, who had taken off her bridle and thrown it away so spectacularly is now working cattle bareback and bridle-less. (Not everyone’s cup of tea but even if it is, don’t try that one at home folks without proper preparation!!!! 🙂 I have offered her husband some bribes to take video footage for us – or hopefully at least an action photo with those gorgeous mountains in the backdrop.
I also know that under adverse conditions, that Haruko has made lovely heart warming progress with her horse Maru back in Japan. She has taken Maru on summer holidays for a couple of months and will get to spend more time with her, which will no doubt do both of them the world of good.
I just LOVE hearing stuff like this. Remember we’ve got one of my rare live clinics up in Nowra in New South Wales in September so if you live within reaching distance, you can speed up your riding and well being progress for you and your horse too. 🙂
Over a year later……!!! Due to some serious life issues to deal with, Solnar has pretty much had a year off, I think I have managed about 5 rides since last October….Well, Jen, I had a rare ride back in the arena just recently, and guess what? Solnar worked amazingly well for his out-of-work-21-year-old body!!! Hardly a hint of sorness (only initial stiffness), and still was better in his canter than he had ever been before our retreat with you, when he was in light work. I think this is simply a remarkable result.
If only I had before/after footage…but it doen’t matter, I can feel the difference right through him when I ride! Love your work! xxx
Thanks for letting us know – that’s a beautiful result!
Well done Suze, I am so so happy and pleased for you both .
Ahhh I am just about to update you and Francis both on that blog about Suze – you are both spectacular!
LOVE the “Happiness & Wellbeing For Horse & Rider”! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Yeah, it’s a bit more reflecting of what we do here hey? Even better would be “Happiness and Well-Being for Horse and Rider as a Pathway to Excellence” but it’s too long to fit there! 🙂